Lightforged Undead is ridiculous and lore breaking

That’s not the point. The point is that this is all entirely fantasy. There are no true boundaries. Life and Death in a game world are just plot devices.


Religion is just stories if you don’t believe the religion in question. Humans don’t do well with arbitrary and contrary changes for the sake of change, be it religion, laws, or a story. The level of importance in the impact of life is the only scale there. And there should be boundaries within a story. If they started putting space aliens in Jurassic Park, just for fun, it’d suck too.

Calia --I hear by decree that she is Light Bound born!!
I know she is Lightforged but eh wanted to put this out there. :stuck_out_tongue:

It depends on how the concept was executed.

For an example, I do not think anyone would find the concept of a Vampiric Ghost Zombie Elf-thing wearing heavy plated armor and conjuring snowstorms with shadowy rune weapons. Something like that poorly executed would make quite a laughable story, however properly executed you gain something quite original.

Exactly. It’s just a story. And one that has already jumped the shark. Holy undead is where you draw the line? Shamanistic Space goats though… that’s perfectly acceptable. LOL

This is taking jumping the shark to the next level. This is like jumping the whale.

Jumping the Mosasaur in Jurassic World.

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Holy Demons from outer space - makes sense. Holy Undead. Unpossible@!!!


It fits in a fantasy world. Where it wouldn’t fit is a historical fiction about 17th century new world exploration. A death knight riding alongside the Conquistadores looking for El Dorado is ridiculous and could never be introduced favourably in such a story. Nor could you introduce a green beret, roman legionairre or even a cowboy.

I’ve taken studies on storytelling and biting off an someone else’s product because of its popularity is indeed the proper way of making a terrible story.

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At least Nightborne joining the Horde had a few things going for it.
Like logic.

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Like thinking turning wow into game of thrones was a great idea? ya I agree. whichever marketing muppet that conjured up that concept should be sacked and blacklisted.

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i personally would love it. ive always like the female human cast animations… the only ones i feel have better are the jinyu.
next… how does it not make sense in lore?
there are undead preists in lore… why is this so different?
i know that when undead use the ligh it phyiscally hurts them, however it doesnt matter since they can heal the pain the light brings them

‘tyrande saved my city and night elf culture saved my people but she said somethign mean to me QQ I’m going to join whatever side wants to kill her now.’


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This seems inaccurate.

And this seems mean spirited. Or actually trolling.

I disagree. There are plenty of fictional works with much more bizarre premises.

You’re just drawing an arbitrary line in World of Warcraft because it personally offends you. While I understand it bothers you, it doesn’t matter if it bothers you. It’s a game with time travel, intelligent alien bugs, demons, gods, dragons, etc. The concept of holy undead shouldn’t be such a bitter pill to swallow. There’s something odd about your inability to wrap your mind around the notion that the light doesn’t work the way you believe it should.

you should try better than to come here on your Alliance alt and pretend to be someone else Elias

Exactly that’s the core feature of BFA’s storytelling I’ve disliked, this does not feel like the direction the Devs commonly used In WoftLK, MOP, or Legion.

Fixed that up for you.


I have no idea what you’re talking about and havent bothered responding to you since your post about Draenei. I already said how it could be plausible in this very thread. I just find the idea dumb.