Lightforged Undead is ridiculous and lore breaking

Ressing undead with the light is too, what’s your point?

How do we know it was Calia that came back?

She may have died, but is it possible some other malevolent force slipped into her body instead?

I thought undead and the light mixed together like snowmen and fire…

That sounds worse than Tauren paladins, AKA holy cows

“The light has struck a bargain with the enemy of all.”

Likely setting up for something.

If you’re not living and not dead, then you’re undead.

It seems highly unlikely that the “Lightforged Undead” will be a thing, but I’m crossing my fingers that something along those lines will become an allied race. I love the duality (hence my attraction to Priest) and think it would be really cool if they introduced customization options that are more than just “pale humans”.


Someone really do not fully understand the concept of magic.


Exactly… with magic everything it’s possible:)

Good, when they stuck Nightborne on the Horde that’s exactly the same sentiment. If that happens suck it up and roll that Alliance toon

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Lightforged Undead is ridiculous and lore-breaking!

I didn’t think it was possible until I read that… and now I see it as inevitable.

gg Blizz.

Well yea, it’s an old April Fools day joke that Blizzard made.

looks at void elves Yeah no. And that sort of mentality is ridiculous. You’d only want LFU because you’re jealous of the Horde? Please. I never supported Nightborne on Horde either. Nor did I Void Elves. So I don’t care about Alliance players that are clearly jealous for no good reason especially since NB look like trash.

I support undead night elves more than this nonsense. If you don’t like it, you can “suck it up and roll horde”.

Lightforged undead is a big no from me. Always will be. I hope this terrible idea never comes to pass, especially since the only reason quite a few want it, as seen by this person, is spite.

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Why are you looking at void elves. No one asked for them or quested with the void elves for the good part of an expansion, which many night elf fans expected to be alliance.

I don’t care what you support.

I’ve done that already, for a long time actually, maybe you can take your turn trying to other side out, or are you horde players not used to not getting everything your little hearts desired handed to you by the devs?

I actually have quite a few Alliance characters, and the fact that you’re arguing with me purely because you’re spiteful and want to “stick it to the Horde” tells me everything. Void elves gave blood elves to the Alliance. I don’t care if you didn’t ask for them. :slight_smile:

We’re done here, I’m not going to bother talking sense into someone that is clearly bitter and has no care for lore.

Good thing I don’t care what you support either.

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Blah blah blah a ‘true undead fan’ would roll this light undead paladin or whatever no matter what faction it was on.

I have no dog in this fight, I just find it funny watching you whine about ‘true undead fans’ potentially getting shafted because the undead paladin would be on the wrong faction according to you. it’s bloody hilarious. I think lightforged undead are a dumb idea and never should exist, but if it makes a little hordie cry alliance bias or whatever, I can support that :+1:t5:

you made that abundantly clear in your first response, hence I threw it back in your face.

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Yes they can. They actually created the Lore. All the Lore. And the game.

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and actually high elves would’ve given blood elves to the alliance hence ‘if you want a high elf, the horde is there waiting for you’ something I also agree with. :rofl: try harder

Just… Wow. And people wonder why Alliance players aren’t taken seriously. My point is driven home right here.


You have no point mr. ‘true undead fans are going to get shafted’.

That’s their prerogative. It’s a video game. The friggin real world’s “lore” (religion) changes over time. Why is it so hard to comprehend a video game’s rules changing?


you do realise that those rule/lore changes lead to millions of deaths in the real world, right? :stuck_out_tongue: