Lightforged Draenei and Void Elves are kind of a problem…

They’ll probably just have some corrupted versions of everything paladin, like the undead paladins in Icecrown.

They added the option. That doesn’t mean it makes sense.

This isn’t about “liking” race/class combinations. Warcraft has literal decades of lore and world-building that is being completely disregarded, for little reason and zero justification.

Clearly, you care more about this “world building” than the people who actually built that world.

Sounds like you just can’t let go of your blankie.

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Creative writing doesn’t need to exist. It’s going to happen regardless.

Notice that he uses words like “allow” “justification” and the like with a certain frequency.

He seems to believe he’s owed something with respect to the WoW lore.

Tovi put it best at the top of the thread:

I don’t post on these forums much, but this guy’s threads almost systematically get muted. Not sure how this one slipped through the cracks.


Where in the lore does it say Draenei can’t be this. Where in the lore does it say Void Elves can’t be this.

Because the lore has never said that races can’t be X Class or Y Class.

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Lightforged Draenei undergo a ritual to infuse their bodies with the Light. That means they literally cannot become Warlocks (or Demon Hunters). Void Elves’ bodies are similarly altered by the Void, meaning they would be unable to become Paladins (whose prerequisite is infusing their bodies with the Light). Undead have many instances documenting their inability to has physical contact with the Light.

These options may have been added, but they are literally incompatible with the existing canon.

Spell visual rethemes fixes all these.
A lightforged warlock using light based powers while using his prisoners of war as fodder makes sense.
Using light themed powers in a similar manner as a demon hunter to hunt demons. Also makes sense.

Void elf channeling the void to protect others also makes sense.

We’ve got Undead and Man’ari paladins already. Might as well start doing visual rethemes to make it fit even better.

I think your reasoning is sound and that allied races ought to be rolled into customization features for their parody race.

Lightforging/Voidforging/Felforging should be a lengthy optional sidequest that any race should be allowed to pursue that would open additional customization features and, perhaps, classes.

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I’ve ad that thought before. That perhaps there could be these top level customization sets that any race could under go.
Based on each cosmic power. Could have a death one to make undead of other races. Perhaps even a vampire option, could make San’layn, or a vampiric human, orc etc. Maybe the dark ranger options could have been part of these and better fleshed out.

Void and light options for all.
Fel options, would look great on warlocks or people could make fel elves etc.

We’ve seen a light customized human and orcs, so why not let players make them, would be great for people playing paladins or priests.

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Exactly. It’s to protect us from demons, like a baptism.

Now, ask me about why I’m a Death Knight…


The first paladins were priests being trained in combat arts and warriors who were trained to use healing magic. It’s stated in the 2nd RTS game how they were created. There was no actual holy ritual only an oath to protect.

The Lightforge were just normal (why the race shouldn’t have been an Allied race but customizations) and did a trial but not all were worthy to take the trial.

Neither situation is the same regarding both paladins and the Lightforge.

Don’t take Chronicles as truth and fact in things, Blizzard stated that the moment after they made the books that it was one perspective of events.

The way WOW uses the word “race” is not the same as the way we use it in the real world. In the real world the word “race” refers to a group of the Species H. Sapiens that evolved differently over a short period (in geologic time) because they lived in different areas and were exposed to different levels of sun light.

In WOW the word “race” is used to describe different types of charactors that you can create in different starting zones. Using the KPCOFGS system (Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genis, Species) the various WOW “races” are not even the same species.

For example, humans evolved from the the Vrykul. Elves evolved from the Trolls who evolved from something else. They are not even the same order and may not even be the same animal kingdom.

I’m actually surprised that they even use the word “race” considering how politically sensitive the word is.

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Gameplay mechanics and Lore are not equal.

Stop bumping your old threads. No one cares anymore. The logic ship for lore sailed long ago.

Okay? I’m not sure what you’re referring to, I’m not talking about any gameplay mechanics.

Things that we can do and classes we can play do not reflect what is generally shown in the NPCs of the game.

light forged, mag’har, dark iron, mechagnomes, and high mountain tauren and whatever other ally race that’s not unique(i.e. Kul Tiran, Foxes etc) should have been a skin option for the original race.

Void elves shouldn’t even exist, but for whatever reason blizzard refused to add high elves and then chose the most round about way to do it.

Okay? I still don’t get what you mean or how this applies to anything I wrote. Are you sure you didn’t answer to the wrong post by accident?

When I say “sub faction” I do not mean it in a condensationing way. But blood elves come FROM high elves since that is what they were before their change, thus they are “sub faction” of high elves.

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