Lightforged Draenei and Void Elves are kind of a problem…

I found the Easter egg!!! :egg:

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My nephew complains and tantrums that he wants candy and to play on his iPad all day. My sister refuses him and his behaviour, but I suppose she should just give in to avoid it all.

Also p.s, the blood elves weren’t a “sub-faction” of high elves. They are the major representation of the race, and would have remained solely as the representation per the original Chris Metzen vision and rebranding, if not for a particular writer and group that kept trying to push in their Legolas fantasies into the game.


I don’t think it’s possible to rename an already playable race. Adding another race with that desired name is. High Elves, Darkfallen, and Wildhammer Dwarves should be standalone races

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Except, Paladins aren’t infused with the light. I’m just going to quote from another thread with sources to show they aren’t infused with the light


Another of these threads eh?

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Seems like it’d be easy enough as a database edit.

That having been said, it’s a terrible precedent to set, as it’s essentially removing a playable race in essence. Being able to customize a race’s name tag would be a good compromise, as has been suggested earlier. Most races could really benefit from it in many different ways, not just the Void/Blood/High Elf approach.

Night Elves could have Kaldorei and Highborne as options, for example.
Humans could run the gambit of nationalities.
Dwarves would obviously have Wildhammers as another option.
There are so many varieties of trolls that they’d benefit a lot from this concept.
Even Tauren could have, ‘Shu’halo,’ as an option.
Heck, considering Mechagon Gnomes have to, ‘earn,’ their amputations, there’s probably some that are still quite fleshy and so you could have a, ‘Mechagon,’ Gnome with arms and legs.


So it’s a High Elf Thread within a Lightforged Draenei Rant Thread and of basically same thing pretty much.

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Typically for a race to be distinct enough they need to have a separate culture, belief, maybe values. I would say Lightforged at least cover this very well, as well as normal draenei. You can argue that with draenei keeping their original beliefs, with the ones who chose to ally with the Legion changing, draenei are closest to their own race while what we see as modern eredar are the offshoot. Lightforged, Exodar draenei, and eredar are in fact different races, just of the same species.

If you’re looking for entirely different biology you’re looking for different species. If we’re defining race, Lightforged vs normal draenei are actually perfectly fitting of the definition. Fantasy games have just warped race to mean different species.

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Same goes for all the other allied races too lol. They’re all just variations of already playable races cuz current company can’t seem to handle adding actual new races lately.

Like, Naga for example are technically just a variation of Night Elves, but they’d be a bigger change instead of the Crack Elves Horde got lol

In WC3, Paladins are immune to Undeath because they’re infused with the Light. In the Arthas book, his body is imbued with the Light. In “Of Blood and Honor”, a major part of the plot revolves around Tirion Fordring becoming physically frail because his connection with the Light is walled off (the circumstances are a bit strange, but it’s very clear).

It’s a pretty central part of what makes a Paladin.

I’m not sure I would agree with Lightforged being a good example.

“Race” and “Culture” have always been synonymous in Warcraft, Orcs aren’t just “green humans”, they’re very specifically a primal, barbaric society. Night Elves and Blood Elves may technically share ancestry, but are clearly quite different, both visually and culturally.

Lightforged don’t really fit the same bill. They are both visually and culturally nearly identical to the Draenei, which I think makes them kind of a poor example of a “race”. Even the Dark Iron Dwarves, their culture has some distinction from the “normal” Dwarves of Ironforge.

But most importantly, Lightforged Draenei literally are normal Draenei who have simply undergone a unique ritual to infuse themselves with the Light. I think that’s problematic for the game as a whole, since it inherently biases your character towards the Light, regardless of the actual Class you choose. Your class is supposed to represent the aspect of your race’s culture you’ve chosen to embrace.

The Eredar would honestly make a far more worthy replacement as an “Allied Race”, since they are culturally very different, and actually make a lot more sense for some of these “newer” classes.

To me, in a perfect world, Allied Races would “fill in the gaps” for what classes each race can be. While the Draenei would never accept Warlocks in their ranks, the Eredar most certainly would (and by contrast, an Eredar would never make sense to be a Paladin).

But again, the core issue is that unlike most races, Lightforged Draenei are INHERENTLY aligned with the Light, just as Void Elves are inherently aligned with the Void. That means that no matter what, certain race-class combinations simply will not work. I have a hard time imagining a Vulpera Paladin, but at least they aren’t inherently connected a form of magic that makes it literally impossible.

I dont see how thats an issue tbh.
If you dont want to play a race thats all about the light, then just play a different race.

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The problem is, if you’re playing a race that’s incompatible with your class, it breaks the lore.

When hasn’t this happened?

I’m going to need more hands for this. Like the hell? Every race is capable of being every type of class. But some races banish certain use of magic. Night Elves have a strong example on this, where Arcane and Fel, is not welcomed amoung them. But yet, we have Mages, and we have Demon Hunters, and now, we have Warlcoks.

Now, just because some races have playable Warlocks, doesn’t mean Warlocks are accepted still into those societies. Humans are the biggest source to this, because Warlocks are not welcomed within the Human Society still, yet, Human Warlocks have been a thing since Vanilla.


Neither Undead nor Void Elves can be Paladins. Lightforged also cannot be Demon Hunters, nor Warlocks. It is also HIGHLY unlikely that many races would even have the opportunity to have Classes from their race, let alone enough of a presence to justify players having said options

There is a word for this: verisimilitude. If Blizzard cannot even be consistent with the player options, then it’s clear that they are not up to the task of maintaining a world that people can invest in.

Blizzard is quite literally throwing away huge swaths of lore, just to add options that might appease a handful of players for race-changes. They are lowering the value of the entire IP, because they’re communicate “none of this matters, we’re willing to throw everything away on a whim”.

Hell, even Night Elf Mages are one of the most egregious examples of this. Night Elven culture is literally built upon the basis that they exiled anyone still using Arcane power; adding them as an option in Cataclysm was the first signal that Blizzard was starting to step away from established lore (and again, the point that WoW subs started trending downward ever since).

But again, let’s say culture doesn’t matter. Lightforged Draenei and Void Elves are still a problem, because they are very explicitly tied to those specific types of magic, which are not compatible with every class. And again, Undead Paladins also cannot exist in lore (for slightly different reason).

I’m proposing ways to work around those issues.

Void Elves could be re-branded slightly to not be universally tied to the Void, Lightforged options should simply be rolled into the core Draenei options and be replaced with Eredar as its stand-alone race (which though commonly associated with Fel magic, doesn’t mean it is innately part of their body).

Undead Paladins are unfortunately kind of a hard stop. Only thing I could possibly see working, is if they were rebranded as “Forsaken”, and implying that not all of the Forsaken are actually undead, but that they are “members of the fallen kingdom of Lordaeron”. So a “Forsaken Paladin” would still be a living Paladin, they might just have “living” skin-colors and no protruding bones or anything, merely implying that they are perhaps very malnourished.

You mean like the Darkfallen Paladins that you can play as right now?

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The existence of my Lightforged Draenei Warlock says otherwise so you and others like you really should get used to that eventually all races will have all classes and whether you like it or not Blizzard isn’t going to not give certain classes to certain races just because you don’t like those race/class combos.


He’s a condescending, one track minded lore purist, so don’t hold your breath. All his threads are like this.


They will make it work. WoW lore writers were never excellent to begin with, they will simply add a reason why it suddenly works. For everything.

Undead Paladins will be a thing.