Lightforged Draenei and Void Elves are kind of a problem…

Not sure I would count that as a “sub faction”, since at least in WC3, it was clear that “High Elves” no longer existed. It’s not that Blood Elves splintered off, but they are the entirety of the same people.

But that’s really just semantics.

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But WoW seem well stocked with high elves.

The High Elves exists in the Highlands, in Outland and in a few cities. They are an Alliance-exclusive subrace to the Void Elves as well, and this is simply based on facts and the transmog they can wear. A Horde Blood Elf cannot don or ride a High Elf mount (Quel’dorei, from WotLK).

If Blizzard truly cared for the Blood Elves to give them actual Quel’dorei mounts and armor, they would have already made it available. But luckily though, they will release a few of these items on the trading post in the future.


Read the write up for 1 one of the wrath 4 horseman. The light never left him even in death. Lore was there long ago in a land mass far way.

Sir Zeliek iirc.


That was always a huge source of contention in the Lore department. Most people are willing to give concessions for minor, one-off NPC’s, but even more recently, they did a soft-retcon when they introduced the new set of Four Horsemen, in which Sally Whitemane fills Zeliak’s prior role.

The story of WC3, and numerous Warcraft books, made absolutely no question that the Light is fundamentally incompatible with Undeath. WC3 Death Knights aren’t even dead, and it is stated explicitly that they are immune from the plague of undeath and willingly chose to become Paladins, not just Arthas.

Even for Undead Priests, there’s a caveat that Priests use the Light in a very different way than Paladins, the latter who infuse their bodies with the Light (which is where they draw their physical strength from), whereas Priests use the Light more like actual spells.

An Undead could absolutely still believe in the Light and have faith. But they wouldn’t be able to become Paladins, as their bodies would essentially burn alive.


When matter and anti matter shake hands.


The reality of most the allied races is they’re glorified barber shop options that wasted development time.

Lightforged Draenei? Could have been a quest that unlocked a barber option.

Mag’har Orc? Could have been a quest that unlocked a barber option.

Mecha-Gnome? You guessed it, barber shop.

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Mag’har and Highmountain Tauren are no better :joy:

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My logic ship :c
The SS Logic


No thanks. :jack_o_lantern: :milky_way:

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In fairness, I’m honestly not against that idea. The “Draenei” are still a bit of an outlier, and we’ve still the issue of Void Elves and Nightborne being in the factions opposite to their Core race counterparts.

Still, I do agree that simply adding them as barbershop options might lead to much cleaner design overall.

This is a statement a lot of people make that isn’t really backed up by anything other than personal anecdotes.

What was clear was that the Nightborne, as per the Suramar campaign, were going to be going Horde. What couldn’t be predicted was the devs rummaging through the trash to pull out a justification for bringing Blood Elves to the Alliance via Void Elves.


I kinda agree that race selection could be revamped to go from General to specific (I.E, Eredar as the main race, with Draenei, Ma’nari, Lightforged and Broken as subspecies) but a lot of the argumentation you use isn’t quite accurate.

Having an affinity for a cosmic energy doesn’t prevent members of a race from having other paths available to them. Night Elves were born out of the influence of Arcane energy on Dark Trolls, yet now is Druidism what’s at the center of their culture.

So the problem isn’t that Lightforged Draenei or Void Elves are what they are, that ship has already sailed, but I do agree an UI revamp could make race selection much more involved and customizable.

I do agree that it was decided first to give NB to the Horde first -it just makes sense- so they tried to come up with something to balance it on the Alliance, so I do really think it’s a little bit of both; let’s give the alliance some sort of BE since we’re giving the Horde a sort of NE.

100% agree the solution they found for Void Elves was the laziest one; and I think the crux of the issue was the decision to enforce aesthetic dichotomy between BE and “Void Elves”. If they hadn’t stick to that arbitrary requrement, they could have implemented a far more organic group of void aligned high elves following on Alleria’s footsteps.

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The Lightforged unleashes an explosion of Light the moment it gets in contact with the Void causing massive pain the Lightforged. If the Lightforged is still inside the Void Portal though it seems the pain subsides as shown in the Shadows Rising Novel indicating that it’s an instinctive use of the Light’s Reckoning Spell which triggers upon death of the Lightforged in a last ditch attempt to eliminate the attacker.

Not only does the Light instinctively start attacking upon contact with the Void but the Light burns away Revendreth taint whenever it comes in contact with it.

Forsaken and Scourge Undead are filled with Revendreth taint as are the Legion’s Demons.

That means that Lightforged Warlocks are purifying the Fel of Revendreth Death Magic every time they use it and have to brace themselves for the flow of Void into their Bodies because it’s sudden arrival causes the Light and Shadow to panic and lash out at each other before they realize that it’s not the enemy they are facing.

It also means that Lightforged Death Knights have already purged the Revendreth Death Magic from their Bodies leaving only Mawsworn and Maldraxxi Death Magic animating them.

Light is scared of initial contact with Void but can work with it after awhile(the feeling is mutual) and utterly hates Denathrius’s Death Magics refusing to work with it considering it a proven interloper.

She was mean to us and very toxic.

And this is why we choose to join the Banshee queen who is basically the same thing as Elisande who we jsut put down.

I’d have HM the worst though.

We join horde since they can fight void tendrils at dinner parties!

umm, invite alliance and they could do it too.

To be fair, they distanced themselves from this atrocious idea. The initial Void Elves are Blood Elves, but the follow-ups are High Elves from the Alliance-side. How else can this otherwise justified? That every Blood Elf now goes over to the other faction? Where do new blonde-haired, blue-eyed High Elves come from? From the Blood Elves, who have given up that title and renamed themselves?

The Alliance is such a weird player faction at this point, with too many human-like race, no diversity and way less requested races and “kinda of”-answers. The Alliance has plenty of High Elves available to them as a player race, they should have simply pulled them from there instead making 10 NPCs into a new player “race”.

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Technically not a new race, but defintely new racial abilities that we learned in the void. Next you’ll try to argue that KulTiren are human or something. Whoops.

Whatever, I love my tentacles

The Alliance get no Dev love.