Lightforged Draenei and Void Elves are kind of a problem…

Paladins infused their bodies with the power of the Light.

Lightforged perform a ritual to infused their bodies with the power of the Light.

There may be differences, but the similarities are pretty staggering.


No I don’t want my Void Elf to change it’s name.

You can use the customizations and TotalRP to get what you are looking for.


The problem is that the name Void Elf implies they are innately connected to the Void. That is not compatible with them being every Class, which is clearly the intention.


It’s absolutely compatible. Corrupted Paladins can and have existed.

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Yes they are.

No they aren’t. Infused with Light? Sure. But it’s not much different than Belfs and the Sunwell now.

Not seemingly. They are.

No? Only Light is an issue. Because the Light won’t obey a Void creature. That’s why canonically, all Velf Priests are Shadow.

Another veiled Helf thread.


Xe’ra was going to cleanse Illidan of all his fel corruption and replace it with light.



It’s never too late.

Soon ™

Those are former paladins. This is actually core to several gaming systems, once corrupted a paladin become something else. If their failings are minor, then they may be redeemed and get their powers restored or become something else more fitting but not innately evil. An example would be to join the priesthood or become a very religiously devout warrior with some divine assistance depending on what the rules allow.

One of the easiest things to remedy in a world with Warlocks, Shadow Priests and Rogues walking around. They can figure out those being heroes or adventurers, they can figure out Corrupted Paladins.


Technically, they aren’t. The Draenei is a faction of the Eradar race, who fled Argus. Draenei means “Exiled Ones” in their own language.

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Artistic dramatization

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This is incorrect. Lightforged are the only ones infused with lights. Paladins are conduits, nothing more, same as priests. People keep spreading this incorrect idea they are infused.

We’ve got a light forged human and a void elf doing a lot more than shaking hands without going boom :wink: unless they wanna. LOL.

They can touch just fine. It’s when Alleria is going void form that it causes pain to Turalyon.

Vrykul still need to be added. As well as Ogres and Mok’nathal to round everything out.
Then we’ve got the progenitors, the hybrids, and the base races. Yes please.

On the more lightforged/void topic, I wouldn’t mind if they were expanded to become more…not sure of a good word…“arch-customization”? Basically you’d pick your class, and your race, customize them, but you could have these higher level customization options that are enabled should you choose to align yourself with a specific cosmic power. So you could even make a human or orc, and light forge them or maybe void “forge” them. Maybe we could roll in some vampire/san’layn options, fel, arcane, undeath/death…sure we’ve got forsaken, those would be just as is, but maybe the ability to pick human and pick undead customizations on top of that and end up with something more like Derrick (sp?) Proudmoore or Nathanos…

Fel options would be cool for making a warlock or mage, etc.

The character creation setup could use another over haul.
Doing subraces proper, more options, more voice sets, proper racial tags.
Maybe picking a blood elf or draenei and enabling the fel options would be how you’d make a subrace of man’ari or the fel blood elves.

I want them to wield their void powers in a similar manner as a light wielding paladin would. I would love to see a large range of comsic powers to choose from as further customization. Elune based night elf and worgen paladins. Fire wielding dark irons. But then choice to mix and match as you wish so players can make the character they want.

They do not. They channel it. They are not lightforged.
People erroneously quote a human specific ritual from the Arthas book where he’s receving a blessing as some sort of infusion. Shortly after that scene he specifically states he needs to learn to call, channel, and use the light. If he was infused, he wouldn’t need to do that. There’d be no need to call or channel.


Races in this game are a matter of semantics really.

Humans, Worgen, Kul’Tiran and Forsaken are all humans at their core it’s just that one group is fit, one group was afflicted by a curse, one group is overweight, and one group was killed and raised from the dead.

And of course all 4 elf races have the same ancestry but are divided by differences of magic practice.

I think you get the point.

Not all LFD are Paladins. T’paartos doesn’t even appear to be any kind of class. And we see LFD DK’s at the frozen throne with Bolvar.

Who says one needs to be a Void or Light class in order to be one of those races?

A friendly reminder that Alleria Windrunner is a Hunter and last time I checked, they don’t use any kind of magic whatsoever.

You made this thread specifically for this purpose didn’t you?

You know what, I’ll still bite.

Rather than forcing this upon Void Elf players, how about we make changing the race name tooltip an optional toggle for certain races?

For example:

Draenei getting the option to be called “Eredar” since all Draenei are Eredar and with Man’ari customizations coming, it’s seems perfect for them.

Undead getting the option to change the race name to “Forsaken” since all Undead created in that manner are referred to as such.

And lastly but certainly not least, Void and Blood Elves should be allowed to change their tooltip to “High Elves” since both races are High Elves at their core and even have the ability to look like one.

Edit: To add on to my post, maybe Void and Blood Elves should get the option to change their race name to “Thalassian” instead as it is way more indicitive of what they are.


Hey for undead paladins i dont see a problem. The same way blood elves paladins were actually more blood knights when they released TBC, remember they had a specific seal different than alliance, so the undead paladins could be dark knights. Just change all tool tips named light to something darker, dark light or shadow magic.

Isnt one of their leaders literally a light risen undead? sure its bleh but its a path

This is such a great idea, I totally agree with you here.

Dwarves could also have the Wildhammer option. Normal humans could also have access to the Kul Tiran name tag.

And imagine the options for Trolls…

I love it.


Absolutely incorrect. Paladins are shown and references to be infused with the Light almost constantly.

If Blizzard could take this a step further and provide some flavor dialogues from various NPCs for those with certain nameplates, that’d be awesome. For example, right now any Void Elves entering the Cathedral of Light get told to GTFO. I wonder what they’d say to an, ‘Eredar?’ Likewise a, ‘High Elf,’ in Quel’Thalas would no doubt be treated with mistrust, suspicion, and prejudice considering everything that’s happened since the divide. At they very least they’d probably be called an, ‘Exile,’ or, ‘Pilgrim.’


Can you show me where?
I ask and the only thing people ever reference is the Arthas book where they humans are having a blessing ceremony which is contradicted shortly thereafter.
It’s a persistent head canon that people keep spouting again and again.

The only light infused beings are the light forged. All paladins are not lightforged.
I’m a draenei paladin, absolutely zero light infusion, I channel it just like a priest. I’m a martial priest, aka paladin.