Lifetime honor level reset from 570 to 1

Logged in today after maintenance and my honor level reset from 470 to 1. 4+ years of grinding down the drain!

What do I do here?

You’re armory shows your honor level is 545, so I don’t think it is a bug. Could be a possible display issue, try with resetting the WoW User Interface incase it is a display issue.

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Nope, it’s because I haven’t logged and relogged on that character. I just did check with this one and its reset to 1 as you can see!

My whole UI has reset to. I don’t know what’s going on!

Ok, that is extremely odd. Shouldn’t be level 1, and the honor level should be the region wide of the BNet account.

Might have to follow through with this thread in the bug report forums then as it could be a bug.

You can also report it via in-game too.


That’s bug report. I won’t receive a response.

That is then it will be investigated, and fixed when possible. The Bug Report forums are a one-way communication. The only time someone from Blizzard will respond is if needing extra information.

Sorry, but Customer Support doesn’t deal with bugs, GM’s doesn’t deal with bugs either.