Honor Level Reset

Hello Blizzard,

I am writing to report an issue with my honor level in World of Warcraft. My honor level, which was somewhere around 450, has unexpectedly reset. I have achievements that reflect my original honor level, and I have noticed that other players are experiencing the same issue.

This is particularly disheartening as it represents many years of grinding and dedication. PvP is my main source of content, and this issue is making it unenjoyable. It makes me feel like all my years of playing have been for nothing, and I am now working towards an uncertain goal.

I have already submitted a ticket regarding this issue, and I was referred to this option of reporting.

Could you please investigate this matter and provide a resolution?

Thank you for your assistance.

Best regards,

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450 and the bug hit? That’s unfortunate since that’s so close to the 500 “finish line”…

What did it drop to after the bug? Just curious

But yeah, a lot of non-PvPers really have no idea the sheer time investment required to farm these honor rewards/milestones - especially if you happen to be casual. It’s a super-slow grind outside of the windows where spoils of war buff is up

Alts can speed it up somewhat due to the “first win of the day” bonus, but even with alts you still sink substantial time into it when queue times and losses (losses award fewer honor points) are factored in

Sweaties and no-lifers (there’s 1 or 2 over in the battlegrounds forum) can farm like 2-3 honor levels a day. But for most folks/average players with a dayjob it literally takes years to farm even a few hundreds levels

It dropped to 1…


Just out of curiosity I was skimming thru your guild roster for similar names, and apparently your Rogue is honor level 28

Still a massive drop/loss of progress though, 450 —> 20ish is rough, I feel for you

TWW has to be the most buggy/glitched expansion in WoW history, so many weird bugs this time around

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This has been an ongoing issue, I farmed it back up! It started from 1.

I’m seeing honor level 389 on your armory.

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I have the 400 achievement. I don’t know how else to prove it without a screenshot.

I believe you because I can see it. What I don’t understand is what you lost, since you said it was reset to 1.

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As I am looking at my honor level right now, It is at 39. I farmed it up to 39, that’s how long this issue has been known.

same issue here i lost 600 honor levels 2 months ago…

I am at honor level 919, really hope they fix this bug before it hits me.

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Yup my honor level went from 570 to 1

Literally 1

I have mounts, achievements that reflect this. Check this armory, it’s literally honor level 1

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Im sorry… Ingrida this is a quote ive gotten from a ticket i put in “I have searched and found out that there is a bug that is causing the issue and this is not just happening to you and other players have the same issue. We truly apologize for that. I would like to assure you that we have already escalated this issue to our Game Devs to solve it. We kindly ask you to bug report so it may reach the dev, that will be greatly appreciated” SO EVEYONE SPAM THE BUG REPORT TOOL IN GAME

Big yikes :grimacing:

My condolences, that must feel terrible

Okay, I don’t think we’re getting our honor level back.
This is 8+ years worth of work gone

At the very least please go ahead and spam your in game bug report tool i just made a copy n paste thing i send em every time i log in… this problem is awful and this IS the only solution