LGBTQ+ Pride Month Micro Holiday?

LGBT is covered along with every other orientation within the ‘love is in the air’ event. No one orientation needs special recognition above any others. This is an MMO, not Facebook.


Wait does tradechat know this?! The politics is still running rampant.

Blizzard has catered to China in the past by censoring WotLK, though (just an example.) This micro holiday could definitely be a thing for the NA and EU version of WoW and just removed from other versions. The Chinese version of the game has things that NA/EU do not (IE: Tyrael’s Charger.)

It’s entirely possible, especially if it will attract $$$ (this sadly isn’t 2008 Blizz, after-all.) Pride Day use to be celebrated as the last Sunday in the month of June.

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You really should stop this out of place and inconsiderate campaign. It’s rude and mind numbingly dumb.

You obviously couldn’t care less about the game.


I am gay and I don’t think we need a dev-sponsored pride parade/event in the game. It wouldn’t seamlessly fit with the lore and environment of the game. I do like that they are including LGBTQ+ relationships in the game, because other relationships already exist in the game so I am glad to see all relationships represented. But a pride parade…nahh…not necessary. You can always do your own player-organized event.


Thanks for your input but I disagree as I think it would be a fun little micro event that would fit seamlessly into the game!


Look at those 6 unique accounts that liked this post


Like they did for bones for the undead for the Chinese WoW? They can just not add it those realms.

These is the same excuses like “ThIs Is NoT ThE ReAl WorLD!!” when people asked about the dark skin tones removed with the new models was added in WOD. The Mental gymnastics team try to spin what ever they hate.

Yet this game have real world stereotypes, the dwarfs have a get drunk holiday because all they do is drink, but adding some more holidays is just toooooooo much.

can we just play the game without worrying about our sexual preferences?


No, you must know what they prefer in their bedroom. YOU MUST KNOW.


Displaying bones undead/zombies in china is considered culturally offensive and bad luck. Where as being gay and having any banned material in those countries is a death sentence, so just a tad bit bigger then some bones wouldnt ya say. But i guess you want that to happen for your stupid parade.

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Nothing in WoW lore says/does anything to make LGBT+ stuff “sinful” or “against the law” or anything like that. There’s no lore history of homosexual people being oppressed. So there is no lore context for an in-game pride event.

I’m old. Old enough to remember what it was like to risk my life and my livelihood if my relationship with my GF was found out. I’m old enough to remember lobbying in my state for marriage equality on the steps of the courthouse and being terrified my boss would find out I was there. In the real world Pride events commemorate that time period, and the success we had in bringing about a change in our society.

To make some watered down semblance of a mockery of that in a game for the sheer sake of “representation” honestly sickens me.

Good Representation: Add more homosexual couples into the game. Don’t parade it all over the place, don’t make a big deal about it. Just toss two female orcs in a tavern, give them the same last name, and maybe a dialogue that says “Looking for beer, go ask my wife over there.” and similar things. So long as the fact that they are gay NEVER EVER has anything to do with the story, because Azeroth has never had any lore/history of homosexuality being against the law or bad. At least in the context of WoW, good representation would be any couple where you could change the gender of the characters from male to female and it wouldn’t change the story one bit.

Bad Representation: Making holiday events with symbols and meanings that don’t relate at all to the lore of the world and stand out like a sore thumb for nothing but the sake of representation, or adding in characters/stories about gay people where the story centers around them being gay and dealing with oppression when that has never existed in the game before.

Also - all of these LGBT+ threads are really starting to make me mad. I’m a flipping transman myself, so I’m in no way anti LGBT, but I feel like all these threads are doing is damaging the work my generation and those before have done to get accepted in this world by making us hated. FOR THE LOVE OF ALL LOVE PLEASE STOP!


Last time someone asked for it, they still get flagged by the hater.


“We had a, massively, important STRAIGHT Wedding… Why not have a GAY one? Then we could celebrate it every year. I see no harm in that.”

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I mean sure, why not?

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“It could be something we could all celebrate every year, and have a big one day party.”

Go watch CNN if you want some sort of political cowtowing.

This is a game, a fantasy game, Your real life does not matter here. Keep it in your home where it belongs. I do not play Blizzard games to see cis or lgbtq stuff. I play it to slay orcs, loot gear, and spam emotes. If you start forcing this crap into my game time, I will no longer pay or subscribe to the content.

Last i checked LGBTQ was a small minority of society. I doubt Blizzard will risk loosing a larger player base to cowtoe a small minority of people. They would opt to remain neutral as they should as they are a game developer. Not a social engineering class room.


Your entire post is homophobic. No one is forcing you to do anything. Last I checked, a micro-holiday is completely optional and is available to all who want to participate. Is neutral to you not including LGBT representation? Your backwards thinking is preventing you from progressing into 2021. Take your alt-right ideology and keep it in the past, where it belongs.

Don’t you guys have anything better to do than face shove every single day on these forums lmao.