LGBTQ+ Pride Month Micro Holiday?

Agreed. If you want it that bad then set it up yourself? Depending on how much effort you are willing to put into it (how bad you want it) it can be a nothing event or something huge. Moonguard has weekly & monthly events big and small. The entire server even has some awesome annual events that are celebrated together by both factions. They put some serious effort and work into their events and it shows.

“These are the ones I feel we could do a Wedding Anniversary thing, once a year, for. All we need from Blizz is the date they got married.”

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I don’t have an issue with the topic, it is just rarely these threads work out for the best and at worst they are bait threads to make the LGBT community look bad.

I just want to stop seeing the LGBT community used as something to lure out people who hate them and shame them for that. Change comes slowly and everyone deserves to be loved for who they are, but who were are that makes us special shouldn’t be used as a tool to devalue someone else.


That’d be cool, have it be a festival in each Covenant Sanctum, where Thiernax & Qadarin, Pelagos & Kleia, Accuser & Curator, and uhhh Margrave Sindane and Vashj maybe (Margrave Sindane had a woman consort as per questline so she’s lesbian or bi) all have a cute thing


“Many in here just seem to be here to hate on the OP. I have a feeling, that if the OP made a Thread about ANYTHING else, they would STILL come in and hate on them. Makes me sad, to realize that topics like this are seen as spam, just because of the OPs that create them. Personally, I find the topic interesting.”

“Excellent Idea!”

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/gets popcorn ready


“Welcome to the Party. We are celebrating Diversity.”

/waves at
and im here to watch a troll make a fool of himself.

/hands some popcorn

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It’s because many of them are homophobic sadly. They see lgbt and they froth at the mouth at the opportunity to attack LGBT people. I find topics like this healthy for the game and quite frankly, it brings out the trolls and homophobes so we can show Blizzard just how important it is to have representation in these dire times. I think a LGBT micro holiday is a great idea and should be seriously thought about at Blizz HQ.

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“Do you like my idea about a Wedding Anniversary Holiday?”

Should Blizzard also create a Straight Pride month micro holiday?


I demand a raise…and popcorn…and a partridge in a pear tree…and a pony…and a pauses to think…a brand new state of the art surgeon’s bag with all the latest scalpels sharpened and ready.


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I do as well but I don’t feel I can really contribute on the matter. I don’t feel safe here to talk about this thread.

/raises you a glass

got some, want popcorn?

The rest i cannot give .-.
the pony i also want one too

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“That is what is wrong with all this. We should be able to feel safe to converse about this. It shouldn’t be treated as a Taboo Subject.”

I bet the popcorn is chili fry flavor making it the better popcorn! :yum:

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/looks left an right
Curses! How did you know D:

/hands secret stash of popcorn flavored like chili

i can understand how ya feel, specially since op proven hes… not really caring for opinions not his >->

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No. You get enough representation. IF you don’t understand that, then you are part of the problem.

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I can understand that. I’m one of the LGBTQ and I just come in to have some fun with the trolling posters. Very rarely I will I give a serious reply and only if the thread doesn’t turn into a trainwreck.

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