LGBTQ+ Pride Month Micro Holiday?

It’s sad, we play this game to escape the IRL stuff and politics, Just imagine bringing IRL stuff to this game…

just sigh.


You mean like the Day of the Dead in game holiday that takes place the exact same day as the IRL counterpart?


Exactly. 10

So then blizzard disagrees with you, as they already added that holiday to the game. Good thing they’re behind the decision making process and not you, isn’t it?

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Did I said that they don’t disagree with me? I’m giving my own opinion sir.

Btw imagine comparing “day of the dead” with the OP tittle lol good one tho.


I think it’s humorous that my post on this thread saying “No thanks.” got flagged until it was hidden by Blizzard.

Do you think I still would’ve been flagged if I mentioned I was bisexual? The reason I didn’t mention such a thing is because it doesn’t matter. Nobody cares. We don’t need a micro holiday like this.


Message goes hidden is automated, but message removal is Blizzard’s.

“I play WoW, and only WoW. I don’t have the time, or patience, to play more games than WoW.”

“I don’t have to go to another game, just to be creative, and express my imagination.”

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No thank you

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You don’t need to explain things to racists. Let them wallow in their ignorance.

Again mine too! It’s almost as if the cleansing continues.

I truly wonder what it’s like to hate your own community so much that when other representatives of it who speak out their disproval get silenced…

Wonder where the discussion went to in General Discussion, also find it very fascinating that these systematic cleanses that give no silence just false flags always happen in the same style of posts?

Conspiracy? Fact? A person with too much time on their hands? We may never know, but we can all hope that Blizzard once and for all fixes the borked system that allows this to continue.

The dude’s alt hopping to report and flag posts


Feedback =/ trolling or conspiracy theories. If these posts bother you so much, why are you here bumping up the thread and keeping it alive? Couldn’t you just ignore it and leave it be? I don’t get it.

I don’t speak to imaginary people. Stick to one account.

How is my asking you where you experienced discrimination in the game flaggable?

Or asking why you can’t do this through the community tabs flaggable?

You answer either or those logically for me, I am game. Also note I did not mention any names so are you telling us all right now you were the one flagging?

Heh the most we have are Fireworks in game for 4th July and nothing for Canada on 1st.

I think it’s best wow stay free from any form of politics or orientation. Being neutral for a game game where social is king is good.

However OP you could probably find a community or join Roleplayers to created Roleplay events or a gay pride festival.

I think on Retail Moonguard would be receptive to that… Or maybe even Proudmoore since is considered a LGBT friendly server? Never been there since it’s alliance focused so I’m not sure.

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What are you talking about? I haven’t flagged anyone unless your obviously breaking forum rules. And what does me posting on this toon have to do with anything? The forums automatically made this my forum poster and what difference does it make? You are spreading conspiracy theories as fact.

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Disagreeing with someone’s point of view breaks zero rules, that’s the thing. Note once again the area in which you are posting. It is called general discussion. That means to the majority of people here that they also have a right to comment.

There are things that deserve flags that is why the system is in place. There is also a feedback button built right into the game that allows you to have your own voice without people disagreeing with your opinion as well.

But let’s be real here, you once again avoided answering the questions that actually pertained to this post, I am sure, like the other I responded to who merely said “no thanks” and had their post removed just now, shows that indeed there is some massive flagging abuse going on here, and it also shows that the mods are really not reading the posts at all rather just silencing based on the sheer number of flags generated by a few accounts by one poster.


“Are you all hating on this thread because of the Topic, or just because of the Poster who created it?”

Difference is its a holiday celebrated by millions where as your lgtbq junk is just soapbox grandstanding.


The problem is all the canonical LGBT characters are dead so makes for Pride requiring it be Shadowlands-centric sorta (Pelagos the transman, Thiernax & Qadarin the gay couple, the Curator and Accuser are implied lesbian, etc)