LGBTQ+ NPCs in game

must resist urge to voice opinion…

Whataboutism isn’t a valid argument. It’s a tactic to deflect discussion.

Other people doing bad things don’t make his bad things any less atrocious.

that would require to have something worth responding to. This thread is about the LGBT+ community and the NPCS added in the game as representation! It ain’t for you to voice how you feel about democratic policies in inner cities. In-fact, I’m going to flag that for spam, it’s not relevant to the topic.

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The best part about identity politics is you can just label someone a racist or bigot if they do not agree with you, and if they make comparisons they come up with words like whataboutisims to invalidate the argument.

I was glad to see Trump defeated in this last election, but labeling all of his supporters as bigots and racists is incorrect and simply shows that you have the same qualities that he does in terms of generalizing groups to fit a stereotype that suits your narrative which you claim to despise.

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So you admit your “progressive “ party oppresses millions of people. Thanks I can finally move on. Glad we cleared that up

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We stared on that and then he felt the need to throw trump supporters in the mix not me. Pls read the hole conversation before replying. Thanks

No, he just dismissed your argument because whataboutism leads to nowhere.

America is in much better place under the new leadership.


Let’s create a supposition here…

You watch a person give a speech whose subject is ‘Trans people are all predators’ and an entire crowd of people watches it cheering the entire time…

Is it wrong to call that crowd of people transphobic based off of that?

Some people just need to learn when to take the L, people’ve been crying about these threads for a little while now, and it just tends to lead to even more being created. When one fishermen gets a ton of catches from their new bait, you might as well expect a lot more fishermen to use the same bait.

Looked for the source, couldn’t find it. Source?

To say everyone who was cheering that statement is transphobic is not wrong at all, to say that all 70 million who voted for him were cheering at that statement is.

Many people who voted for Trump did so because he represented change from the status quo for the lower middle class, a group who’s standard of living has not been addressed by conventional politics for a very long time.

The left does a good job of helping the poor, they just don’t do enough to elevate them out of it, hoping this time is different.

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We actually started with a really good conversation. But some people just have to inject politics into a non political issue.

I’m talking about the source for this,

You got a source for that?

But they were STILL comfortable enough with his open bigotry to see him as a valid candidate for giving that level of power to. And you don’t have to be spouting the n word to be a bigot. Being bigoted often simply means being comfortable enough with bigotry to not consider it a problem.

Like you apparently. So your no better

He probably doesn’t have a source because he made it up.

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A person who’s primary focus is providing a steady income for their family or themselves would probably consider this to be of more importance than larger social issues. That does not make them evil, just human.

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This is a discussion probably best kept out of this thread as its a rabbit hole that can’t end well in a forum setting…

I’ll simply posit the following as food for thought before I make my exit for the night: Why does it suddenly become not evil to actively support the oppression of others just because you’re doing it for selfish reasons?

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That would depend on your definition of oppression, Polish people who suffered under Hitler and Stalin would definitely fall under that category.

I don’t believe anyone of any group were oppressed during the previous administration , though not for a lack of trying in some cases.

Who did that?