LGBTQ+ NPCs in game

i appreciate your posts. can’t go further without us all getting a forum vacation though. but it’s nice to see on the forums given what’s usually posted about this stuff.

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Wrong opinion my friend. You have committed wrongthink, so you were silenced.

I was flagged and cancelled

Just say it already, that you hate LGBT+ community.

Pelagos would probably be the best representative but I don’t think the topic encompasses the goal of being transgender.

If I am MtF and I undergo both HTR and have genital and body enhancement surgery it is because my goal is to feel as I am mentally aka a woman. So if as a transwoman I would feel like I am playing the character of my gender if I am a female avatar or the opposite if my character is male. In WoW you have the option of doing that wholly in a way where it isn’t an issue. Honestly representation of gender dysphoria would make people feel uncomfortable.

Rather WoW be an escape from the feeling of gender dysphoria in a way that is safe and gives them a chance to just be a representation of themselves they relate with…


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Look, you got that in mind, and that has nothing to do with the book about Flynn and Shawn.

So far in the game the only one who represents as LGBT but as Trans and not gay, is Pelagos, and for worse it’s dead character, that is, everything that arrives in Shadowlands so I still don’t understand can represent this characters without in life (in Azeroth) was and always was a woman and not now after life in Shadowlands.

Pss … this is not a parody of Mrs Garrishon in South Park, let’s get serious, it may be that Flynn has represented but not in game something that until now part of the WoW lores in the books has nothing to do what we saw in the videogames, just a simple status quo like Sylvanas in one more day in Undercity after WotLK and of course Baine after Cairne, incredible but before Legion, it was just more tauren in Thunder Bluff leadership.

The guy got suspended and the post got removed, so he prob can’t answer you.


For me, as a Transman, I would feel uncomfortable if WoW suddenly had a story about some orc woman who underwent some magical process to become a man. I would not feel validated or represented, I would feel like my real life issues and struggles are being paraded in front of me. For me, my representation in Azeroth is rolling a male character. Because in my mind, I am a man. I am not a “transman” or a “tom boy” or a “woman that wants to be a man” I am just a man, and I want to be seen as just a man. I come to fantasy games like this to get away from the struggles and fears of real life, not to re-live them.

That doesn’t mean I am against LGBT representation if its done well… and I know I don’t speak for everyone, I’m sure some trans people really want more representation. I just personally don’t really want it, especially if its badly written or forced in just for the sake of representation. Especially since Azeroth lore doesn’t have any history of LGBT oppression, to suddenly have stories of people having these issues and fighting oppression and being themselves… it’d just be so uncomfortable.

I think the bit of representation Blizz has added so far is fine, and enough for me, more than enough. And if they want to add a bit more here and there in future expansions that’s fine too. But I don’t think we need pride events, or pride toys, or token gay characters in every zone and story.

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Huh? That seems pretty mild in the context of a world with magics.

No. Stop making these topics.


I just mean it would be uncomfortable for me personally, because I don’t really play this game to be reminded of how I feel IRL, is all I’m saying.

I know people don’t agree with me, and they personally feel validated seeing people struggle and overcome in the same way they have. But for me, I’d just like to live my life as a dude you know?

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I sooo hope people understand this part especially of what you’ve said here.

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That’s just you, many FtM would love to see FtM in the game, and that’s the point of demanding representation.





  1. prolonged cruel or unjust treatment or control.

“a region shattered by oppression and killing”

  1. the state of being subject to unjust treatment or control.

  2. mental pressure or distress.


That’s great for this person, but for others, they may want to be seen as transgender in-game or their preferred pronoun. Is it so wrong to have the option for those who want it? You can already be “male” in-game so why not have “they” or “them” or cis etc… Its easy customization.

how do you see it being done right then? not just for the sake of representation

I once stated that an entire SL region appeared to populated by trans NPCs, and it got me banned.

strong text

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Normal people don’t care if there are trans NPCs, and if they do it won’t be in a way that anyone will find pleasant. Stop pushing for this. All you want is attention.

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