LGBTQ+ NPCs in game

I’m surprised a LGTBQ centric game hasn’t been developed yet honestly. But let’s be honest. Will any body really ever feel welcomed in the WoW community or any internet community where the keyboard commandos run rampant with vile bc of the ability to keep real identity secrete. I’m not saying you shouldn’t feel welcomed in any space bc well you should. But realistically there will always be trolls. And I will end on an honest question. If they added more “representation” to the game would you really feel more welcomed just bc of it? Why not form In game communities and RP the representation, that way the whole WoW universe could be your oyster.

I’m a straight white dude. It’s not for me to say what other people feel helps them feel more welcome because I’m the standard and thus I don’t have to worry about ‘representation’.

But I will say that, since I do interact with a lot of people from less represented groups, that I have heard people say that it makes a difference. And I have no reason not to trust them on that.

It feels to me like what you’re suggesting is that they just PRETEND they’re represented… and I don’t know how helpful pretending would be.

We are playing a video game… we’re all pretending to be our character…

LGBTQ + NPCs = no vowels

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Technically, but the stories in the game are written by someone else. And the point of representation is that it solidifies the idea that other people see you as legitimate… sees you as valid. Because a lot of the world right now seems determined to pretend that people of certain groups AREN’T valid.

If you have to PRETEND that representation is there, it seems like it would defeat the point.

I guess what I should have asked is. If the devs put in more LGTBQ npcs would that make them feel more welcomed compared to if the playing community had less trolls and were arms wide opened welcoming.

I can’t answer that because I’m not them.

But I will say that the more fictional works that do a better job of being representative, the harder it will be for bigots to support their twisted worldviews, which could lead to fewer bigots.

I can see what you mean. I think the reason why blizzard doesnt go full bore with it is bc if even one person complains about it bc it’s exposing it to there child or something Of that Ilk the Esrp rating would have to change and lawsuits would rain from the sky. And let’s be honest the Chinese over lords I doubt are fond of LGTBQ issues and would ban the game causing tons of money loss fir Activision, and if Bobby can’t get his mega bonus then we all suffer.

That’s BS. There’s nothing about gender identity or sexual orientation within the game rating scales. So no, that’s not an excuse.

The real reason is that companies in America know that there’s a large segment of the US that are bigots(somewhere in the range of 70 million of them, it seems). And those bigots still have money, so companies don’t want to scare them off by seeming too progressive.

Which is why it is important for people to push corporations to take a stand rather than trying to skirt the middle… because corporations hold so much sway over the flow of information and ideas in the Western world that we need to know where they stand and push them to back up their opinion with action.

Yah we started having a good convo and then you went off the deep end. Unfortunate really

Kindly state which part you feel I went off the deep end?

My recognition that there’s nothing in the esrp about gender identity? That there are a lot of bigots in the western world? My acknowledgement that corporations are about money? That companies currently hold sway over a lot of what we’re exposed to?

Please, be specific. lol

LGBTQ+ is better than Mythic+


Gonna go out on a limb and say this is a swipe at trump supporters. Labeling a group of people Bigots that you don’t know personally is well very BIGOTED of you ironically. Have a good day, I see no reason to continue this conversation.

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Labeling a group of people who are comfortable with the systemic oppression and disenfranchisement of multiple groups of people as bigots is not bigoted - it’s a recognition of reality.

Bad argument. Do you need to personally know people from the Klu Klux Klan to know that they are white supremacist terrorists?

It’s wierd… I only see one political group telling the African American community that they are dumb, can’t follow instructions or locate a number on there drivers License. It’s wierd how oppressive and crime ridden the inner cities are, yet every form of government is ran by democrats. It baffles me. Some how the people who don’t control or live in those areas are the ones oppressing minorities in those areas… MAKES A LOT OF SENSE!!!


Ya, Donald Trump is a blatant, open bigot who actively pushed for policies that are targeted at making life worse for specific groups.

A person who doesn’t consider that a dealbreaker… is at least a little bit bigoted themselves. It’s really that simple. If you’re comfortable with both his actions and his policies to give him executive power, then you are a bigot yourself. You may not be running around in a white steepled hat, but that’s not the bar.

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What world do you live in?..

A world that has a lot of problems. Problems that people keep pretending don’t exist.

Nobody said any political party is perfect.

Systemic racism is largely baked into most of the western world as deep as it gets. So yes, there are issues to deal with in any party.

But the level of blatant disregard for the LGBTQ community Trump as shown, the open hostility he’s shown towards various racial groups, and even the disdain he’s shown towards women’s rights… put him in a league of his own even among politicians.

You ignored every thing I said, didn’t even deny it … says a lot