LGBTQ+ NPCs in game

First and foremost I have deep respects to the LGBTQ+ community.

And it is good to hear that blizzard has made some LGBTQ+ friendly npcs.

But the question is, is there any trans npcs? I asked because it was trans visibility day the other day.

IF there isn’t any should blizzard put some in?

I know this might be a sore topic for some people, but I think it’s a legitimate question given that LGBTQ+ community do need to have a proper representation.


I’m pretty sure there is, no? Like that first guy you save from the spectre after you get out of the airport.


Pelagos is trans. :relaxed:



Wait when did that happen?

Like…day one! In beta! You can talk to him about it now if you’re Kyrian.

When he said that he literally said he has a female form in his past life.

Apparently when you become a blueberry you get to go full customization on your body like it is an mmo.

Also there’s the dead night warrior and his husband in the NF quest line.


During the Shadowlands alpha, dialogue and quest text originally referred to Pelagos with the gender-neutral pronouns “they”/“them”. This was changed after Blizzard received feedback that using “he”/“him” would be more respectful of the character’s wishes to be identified as a man.


i dont have a kyrian

anyway what was he when he was alive? in game i mean like wasnt he a dragon?

Feels like bait.


its unclear as to what race he was but he was a female inlife. memory got wiped during the bastion reprograming
when he got to the arbitor he asked " yo can i be transformed into what i feel is my spirital form should have always been? "
arbitor went : " aight "

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I’ve heard some people say this isn’t adequate representation because he chose a male form after death and its like a different/separate life or something, and he specifically says he doesn’t remember much about his old life. But for me personally, he mentions not feeling like his physical form (female) represented what he felt inside, and that’s pretty much spot on gender dysphoria. And how he feels waking up in a male form, feeling like his true self, it kinda resonated with me and with how I felt the first time I looked in the mirror and saw a man staring back at me. It’s a really emotional feeling that is hard to explain to someone whose never felt it before.


yo correct me if im wrong but wasnt there a pelagos dragon? the blue one?

I appreciate your listening. Truly. As soulbinds, I know I can trust you.

<Pelagos takes a deep breath, then exhales slowly.>

I had a female form in life. I don’t recall my former name, or even my race, but I…never felt like my physical form represented who I was inside.

It never felt as clear to me then as it does now. I struggled with that identity for my entire life…

na na na you are thinking of another npc.
allot of blue dragons tho had the " agoes " part tho. but he wasnt from azeroth

Pelegos wasn’t a dragon afaik but that is kinda not the point. I’m just inferring the customization bit because there has been more modification to the character than just the sex organ shrug

That link has the transcripts for how it all goes down.

There is a “Pelagosa” blue dragon, and a theory that is Pelagos but not any official confirmation from Blizz I don’t think.


Shadowlands and BFA has really upped the anney in making more mainline LGBT characters. With a lesbian troll couple in Vol’dun where they uncover the plot on Akunda. And a nameless married couple in the prelude book of Shadowlands that Talanji oversees.

Shadowlands has a gay couple in Ardenweald in it’s main story. A unicorn and a stag couple with no explained race prior.

Pelagos is trans in the context that they always felt like a male at heart and death allowed them to become their ideal gender.

Mathias Shaw is made out to be gay with Flynn being bisexual. The two had a date and travelled together in the prelude book as well.


isnt our pelagos ( our = azeroth ) still alive?
also, isnt there pelagos ( shadowchads ) not from azeroth?

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Yes, but there was a few people who we’re pretty hardcore convinced he was a dragon.

People love their dragons, they’ll do anything to get good Dragon representation.