LGBTQ+ NPCs in game

The fact you added you are gay or queer adds absolutely no value to your opinion. I am gay too and I didn’t mention it at first because, as I said, this post is intending a political matter and such thing is unrelated to the game.

It didn’t even take you more than two post to downgrade me with inappropriate behavior that shouldn’t happen into gameplay because you can’t afford being respectful on the internet toward someone you disagree with. You bring up issues like genocide and so on and you assume your opinion being “us” as if you were the elected speaker of some minority group.

Once again, that is a very very very inappropriate behavior and such political behavior contribute to disrupt online gameplay. Please stop it. Not to mention that my initial post did not even interact with you. You actually got triggered by it which is ironic.


Haha :joy:
Dang. Heck of an attempt there.

You’ve proven my point enjoy

You too, lovely. Have an absolutely stellar night hun!

As long as we agree that it’s alright to disagree I’m okay with that

Good night too

We got another one.

Every single npc is bisexual unless stated other wise

Even the married ones

There you go modern solutions for modern problems

They are all also virgins so the community can relate to them better, they are all saving them selves until the right person comes along
Is that your player character? A question for the fan fic

Problem solved

LGBT NPC/people existing is not a political issue.

Can we please get these types of threads closed?

I’m tired of seeing all these sexuality threads opened by a select few people on these forums.

Its trolling at this point.


I’m confused. If a woman wants to be a man she transitions. Like wise for a man who wants to be a woman. So wouldnt the female and male characters already in wow be there representation??? Is that not the point of transitioning? To look how you feel? How do the female and Male npc’s not accomplish this?

Ya know, you’re right. I misread the update. I thought it had been requested to be updated from he to they, not the other way around. And since I am not that faction, I can’t see the full details.

But you are correct, I was wrong on that.

Pot, kettle. Kettle, pot.

You can argue about that for trans representation, but there are more than just trans in LGBT movement.

Shouldn’t the movement be a little bit more concerned about real life issues and not a video game? If the LGTB community on these forums took the passion and resolve they show on these forums to real life trans issues perhaps more could be accomplished?

You can do both at the same time, media does help to alter public perception so representation in movie and video game is just as important.

I find that not to be true. I see women and minorities fighting for representation in board rooms and government and getting progress I see the LGTBQ movement worried about movies and video games… but hey whatever is more important to them I guess

I don’t equate that with trans

Plenty of ppl feel they have some residual memories of a past life

Some as a famous person, another gender and some even as animals.

Ppl have been saying this for years.

I have never viewed this as having anything to do with being transgender and still don’t.

When ppl say they were a cat or a bird in a past life are they trans species?

That is just silly.

2 different things, representation in video games and representation in the government, and they can have both.

Thinking you were a female in a past life (imagination) and a male now, does not make you trans.

Having been born into the body of a female, and now thinking you’re male, makes you trans.

Have to be clear with the definitions, these days.

Feeling welcome in the environments you spend your free time is important too. Having the place you go to to unwind be welcoming of you can significantly help your ability to actually unwind and de-stress. Ask any developer who has created a game with a protagonist that isn’t a white male… and they’ll tell you they get tweets, e-mails, people approaching them at conventions, etc. telling them just how much it meant for them to see people like themselves when gaming.

It’s a lot more important than you give it credit for.

How would you know, exactly?