LGBTQ+ NPCs in game

Which is pretty weird for the community to force their pronoun on Pelagos, Pelagos already said their pronoun is they/them.

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if you didn’t say that, i would never know about it.

As I said on many topics before, we are visual beings, I see pelagos, so I think of a blue man. Just that and I would call this being “he” - and I see no problem with that, if the being called pelagos decided to have a masculine appearance, how the hell am I going to call an individual person “them”? if I see a man, he is a man and I would call him as “he/him/man”- because to call someone" them "is a very strange thing in the eyes of an outsider like me (I am from another country)

Not really. Blizzard got feedback from people within the LGBTQI+ community that if Pelagos was meant to be a trans man, he/him pronouns were more appropriate, so they adjusted it.

Which is weird, because you can be a trans man and still use they/them as pronoun.

For all we know every second NPC could be trans without us knowing. I mean, how do you make that obvious to people in a game that does not focus on identity politics, gender, and sexuality?

I mean, in real life not every trans person is gonna run up to everyone and exclaim that they are trans just for the sake of it.


They should just incorporate a dating sim mini game. I’ll even hold off on my hopes of getting a Hearthstone minigame put into taverns where I can just chill and play some card games against NPCs.

Just put a dating sim in that has an algorithm based off your initial picks to show you certain matches with randomized NPC characters. That way, for the people who care to play such a thing, you can surround yourself in your world of gayness or straightness and assume most of the NPCs are that way since that’s what you see on the game.

Troll Post, move along.


Pelagos, apparently. I’m not sure how reincarnation= trans, but I guess it does

Trans is a social construct in real life, you can pretend it matters in the game world but that don’t make it true. There are plenty of syfy/fantasy movies, shows, games, etc. where a consciousness is put into another body. Regardless of the gender that does not make it a representation of trans. You are welcome to fantasies that it is but again that don’t make it true. Just as I can paint my face green and put tusks in my mouth but that don’t make me an orc, just a fantasy. What’s concerning about this topic is how many are taking the fantasy serious.

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I’d hate to be part of a group where everything is dependent on outside representation, just always having to look elsewhere to feel good about myself. Must suck.


Because they get to transition to their prefered sex.
Also it’s not reincarnation because they move from mortal world to afterlife.

I think the proper pronoun would be ‘he’ considering the way it is explained in game currently. They/them is the rule of thumb for those that chose to not be one or the other when I last checked or when you are uncertain of preferred pronouns or dealing with multiple people.

Either way languages are weird like that shrug especially the english one. English is like 3 languages stacked on top of each other wearing an overcoat pretending to be one while stealing whatever else it needs/wants from everyone else.

I understand that originally Blizzard opted for they/them but it was changed according to Kaivax back in july due to the following. ‘The team had originally written him to use they/them pronouns, but received feedback that he/him would be more respectful of the character’s wishes to be identified as a man’

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We need LGBTQM+ dungeon keys

Please Stop bringing political issues into gameplay


My existence isn’t a political issue hun. This guy’s a troll but the least the forums could do is have some decency. :roll_eyes:

Yes it is, we talk about a game with dragons and magic

And race wars, and sexism, and murder plots, child kidnapping, slavery…caste systems…
Yes yes, only about dragons and magic. Only about killing things, yes yes.

WoW’s a lil more complicated than your basement DnD, even if you like to brush over it. :grimacing:

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Well, you described my whole point. You all see it a level too high.

No, I see your level. That level exists. There is magic and dragonkilling and bear butt collecting.
But all the rest of that stuff up there? It’s in the game. Like…explicitly. There’s a whole scenario in legion where you literally prevent a genocide attempt on the draenei.
Like maybe that stuff’s not your cup of tea - but it’s there. It exists! Annnnd ya don’t have to read it or look it!
Same thing with the characters. Ya don’t have to care.
But it’d be nice for us queer folks.We can have that and you won’t lose your magic and dragons. :frowning:

How does that even work?