LGBTQ+ NPCs in game

YEAH! And I punched not one, not two, BUT THREE OLD GODS IN THE FACE!!!

And a titan. :triumph:

The author himself said he’s trans, so you’re wrong.

I really wish all this LGBTQ1720aoiLK nonsense was just one big April Fools Joke.


Yes, but its a double-edged sword.
The author recognizes the character as trans in the context of Female > Male. However they didn’t transition in life, so in death they assume who they are. The gendered component and relationship / sexuality dynamic that comes with transgender characters is lost.

This is a form of transgender representation that doesn’t carry the same weight the Author might’ve thought it would. Had Pelegos been an alchemist, or mage, or even a living character who actively sought means to change their gender to match their inner self. It would hold more weight. Death shouldn’t be the solution to match your inner self.

He isn’t really… he kinda is if you want him to be, just a little imagination.

Your posts is nonsense and homophobic.


It is still debatable even among the LGBTQ+ community if Pelagos is trans or not.

But it does, idk if you’re there, but back during Pelagos’s introduction, Blizzard got many thanks and appreciation from trans community.

Now that the honeymoon phase is over; we can take a critical look at it and stop giving anything that just has the illusion of so a pass because. “Representation is representation!”

I’m of the mind to be critical. And this is really piss poor representation if Death is the only way to truly present a transgender character.

I mean why not? if i have to choose between no representation vs representation i’ll always pick the later.

Pelagos is trans but it’s a very minor fact AS IT SHOULD BE TBHhhhh
Nothin more visible for me to be Existing rn hashtag swagsodopetransrights

Didn’t they make a big deal about one of the kyrian being trans, even though literally not a single person asked?

I was not aware it was sunday just yet. I know it is close though.

Alot of people actually asked for it in BFA.

No. This argument may be valid Irl depending on your views but I don’t wanna get into that.

The need for representation in a fantasy universe is nonsense. I play as a space goat that shoots lightning out of my hands. This represents me in literally 0 ways.

I’ve never once thought about who the npcs prefer to bone or what parts are below their waist etc. It has nothing to do with the game.

If it came up in an organic way in the story I wouldn’t care much either way if it was well written. Shoehorning stuff in to fill ideological diversity quotas will never be organic or well written. They’re antithetical.

Please note I don’t intend any hostility towards OP nor any group of people. My argument would be the same if someone was asking for straight representation or any other variation.


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They have. Not he has. :wink:

But ya, to the OP’s question… there are a few characters in Shadowlands who fall into various lgbtq categories.

If the trans NPC is wearing it convincingly… there’s no way to know who is trans for sure.

What if Overlord Runthak is trans? How would we know or check?
For all we know every other member of the seventh legion is a FtM or MtF.
And why would that matter?

Usually they’ll tell you, or Blizzard will.
I think there’s like 3 blue posts from Blizzard clarifying his gender and pronoun back in Alpha.

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Does being human count? I feel everyone has that in common.

Not really. They made a post about clarifying Pelagos’ pronouns after they got feedback from the community that he/him pronouns would be preferable over they/them.

Steve Danuser also talked about Pelagos a bit.