LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

We should also ban alcohol because the number one predictor of childhood abuse is a father with an alcohol or drug addiction.

We should also ban religion since the number two predictor of child abuse is religiousity accompanied by rigid traditionalist views on gender roles.

Ergo we should we should also make feminism compulsory and ban gender roles.

Source btw for the above claims is a study by Carolyn Holderread Heggen, Herald Press, Scotdale, PA, 1993 p. 73.

Iā€™m just sipping my coffee at this point.

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Depends on the case. But theyā€™re not ripping children away from their families because their kid is trans. How immoral can you be?

Iā€™m jamming to Ghost while working on my Tiefling. Heā€™s buzzing about in my head so I might as well work on stuff with him.

Thatā€™s literally what the CPS does.


Iā€™m just boggled with the right wing right now, weā€™ve got people wanting to take kids away from loving parents, then one of the Bundys is out getting arrested trespassing at a hospital to protect the right of parents to starve their children to death.

This immoral


they are though lol.

wouldnā€™t be surprised if they try to legalize sending these kids to torture ā€œconversionā€ camps next.


I like how both sides label each other as evil. Oooo the big bad right wing or the evil liberals are coming for our children. People used to have a discussion

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In order to have a discussion, both sides must have a valid stance and act in good faith.


People existing isnā€™t a matter of opinion and sort of a non starter for a discussion


Pretty much this. ^

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This type of thinking is the reason the world is in this state. No one looks at the other side anymore and itā€™s easier to label the other side as evil because itā€™s far more scary to learn the other side is human too with beliefs.

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adjust to left wing/right wing

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Again, the trans child wasnā€™t taken away. CPS came in and they left. I donā€™t know how thatā€™s immoral when NOTHING HAPPENED.

And what does the Bundys have anything to do with what weā€™re talking about?

This is a problematic view. Under no circumstances should I be expected to humor views of people who donā€™t believe I should have human rights. Under no circumstances should I be required to treat their view as valid (itā€™s not) or have a civil discussion with people with uncivil views.

One side is irrefutably and iredeemably evil. If you donā€™t agree, you are part of the problem.

My right to exist is not a belief that should be debated.

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There are many such cases of left wing people have cases of denial. Same as right wing people. But when you point this out then it becomes an issue why I donā€™t with left or right because in the end they are really both same thing. Both extreme sides lead to same path

ah we got a classic enlightened centrist trademarked in our midst.

o holy one I thank you for gracing us with your presence and how you literally add nothing to the conversation.


Pretty much how I am too. But Iā€™m aware my brain is seriously programmed to have insane black / white thinking. Iā€™ve gotten a little better at finding a middle ground with folks but I canā€™t when it comes to talking to people that likely want me dead


life is shades of gray my dude. This is an extremely narrow way of looking at life and I feel sorry for you.

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So one side wanting human rights, equity for all, to end racism, homophobia, transphobia, antisemism, to guarantee religious freedom, and so on is the exact same as people who want none of those things?