LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 2)

Thank you. :blush:


Time to take another break from the forums.

The amount of people defending blizzard mocking and taking shots at PvE players today with their ā€œjokeā€ is too much to deal with.


Sometimes it might be a personality thing. Like for me I only enjoy PvP if itā€™s with friends because it kinda serves as a team/bonding moment rather than just PvP for the sake of it. This is why the last time I enjoyed it was back when I was active in a guild.

Other than that the last time I PvP in WoW was to get the What a strange long trip itā€™s been achievement for the Winter gnome thing, and then Alterac Ram. I think if I was really bored I wouldā€™ve played Plunderstorm but Iā€™m obsessed with GW2 rn. I gotto try out their WvW but Iā€™m not sure how to even start :sob:


Nah Plunderstorm pvp is objectively infuriating. I consider myself pretty patient, Iā€™ve never in my life screamed or truly raged over a video game but by Nā€™zoth itā€™s really really damn annoying to win a fight in plunderstorm and some chump comes in and third parties you. OR youā€™re locked in a never ending battle of running and chasing because of the movement abilities in the mode that is never really worth it.


to celebrate the anniversary of the original thread;

Eddie Betts

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Plunderlord Fuzzbutt is done.


Love it, you did a great job. :smiling_face: :smiling_face: :smiling_face:


Thank you! :slight_smile:


Thatā€™s too cool, there are some old faces and legends in the first thread in the first handful of posts. It was always a welcoming thread.

Also, hi to everyone that doesnā€™t know me. Iā€™m a transperson originally from Afghanistan
and Iā€™m happy to see this thread is still going.

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Itā€™s almost time for a 20th hunk to join Queen Judge Rita Beana Gordita Lemon LaRoux Wrynnā€™s hunk harem!! This one is also a night elf (unsurprisingly) and he is a monk (Thanks Nui for inspiring me to give it another try). His name is ā€œHunkā€ to celebrate the occasion. A delightful young man of 150, he likes to pick flowers and give them to Rita every sunset. Ritaā€™s children, (Wild and the other 15), and grandchildren, and great great-grandchildren (no great grandchildren unfortunately, all the grandchildren are doing unjustifiable crimes) just found out about him.

They say Ritaā€™s getting a bit ambitious with her harem. But her advanced age of 105 isnā€™t going to hold her back!! Of course, Iā€™m rooting for her. Backstory ideas for Hunk would be greatly appreciated.

ā€œIā€™m so excited to join the hunk harem! Finally, a gnome to call home!ā€ - Hunk


All this while trying to pretend to be someone different while posting from a character where the last part of the name involves racismā€¦

Yeah, weā€™ve all see right through youā€¦


This is disturbing and disgusting. I hope you have a great day.

Oh is that why you took out the T when you would say ā€œLGBā€ on your other toon?


Oh, thatā€™s no goodā€¦ why is it always so ā€œin fashionā€ for people to drop the T (and no, not the one we all shudder when hearing about)?


Because a number of transphobes donā€™t want to be seen as bigots(fun fact, very few bigots self identify as such.)

So they try to pretend that theyā€™re ā€œalliesā€ of Gay and Lesbian people. Itā€™s laughable and transparent but some bad faith actors in online spaces keep giving these ā€œLGBā€ groups free clout. Most of these groups have a token middle aged upper class Lesbian and are otherwise entirely made up of cis straight people of a certain political leaning.


So I finished GW2 Living World Season 1 and ooooof itā€™s actually really good? Like the difficulty spike was definitely an adjustment, but once that was done itā€™s actually been so fun to experience the story, cut scenes, checking out the additional dialogue, and flipping and dodging the combat mechanics.

Also at first I was like ā€œwho are all these weird new charactersā€ but after everything went down I love the cast :sob:


Oh, I love the voice narration within Gw2.

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Also I donā€™t wanna give spoilers but thereā€™s such good lgbtq+ representation I feel? Thereā€™s interesting character personalities and quirks and the relationships feel genuine.


Amazing game. Wish more were like it.


I feel like these forums are like a toxic relationship for me.

I canā€™t get away even when I want to, I just end up going back. X_X

Mostly out of boredom. I need something else to occupy my time. I really should take advantage of this gaming PC and play some games.