LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 2)

I’m tired of my health insurance company’s brinksmanship with provider contracts. They did this in January with one health care system and now they’re doing it with another health care system that directly impacts a doctor I have an appointment with in a couple weeks. The existing contract is scheduled to expire at midnight tonight. This particular health care system is one of what seems to be 2 LBGT+ affirming systems in my area. The other one has long wait lists for trans-related healthcare that make it impractical. Things did work out with the other health care system in January, but not until the very last second. I’m keeping my fingers crossed at this point.


Don’t know if you are in the USA, but I hate the health care industry here. I’ve been having to pay out of pocket to see the endocrinologist I switched to in Dec 2022 because she’s not in the network covered by the insurance provider. I wish our health care choices were not dictated by insurance (or the lack there of). I’m privileged that I can still afford (thought that’s become much tougher over the last year because my income’s dropped) to pay for this doctor bill on my own even though the office visits are not covered, but not everyone has that ability. I don’t like to politicize, but I, personally, feel that everyone deserves good healthcare no matter if they can afford it or not.


I am in the USA right now with plans to move to Canada next year. The health care system is one of the important factors behind my decision to move. Living in a blue state in a relatively large metro area does help. Lots of people are accepting he and my doctors offices have been fully supportive. It’s just making sure that the costs are manageable. The in network cost is something I can easily afford. Out of network costs would have me digging deep into savings, so it’s important to me to make sure that the upcoming transition procedures are covered at in network prices and that I’m fully recovered before I have to pack for the move.

Since it’s trans day of visibility, I am a trans man gathering the paperwork for a physical transition.


I love this so thanks for sharing with us. :heart: :heart: :heart:


Thank you for the kind words :slight_smile:

I just saw that the insurance company and health care system made a last second deal, so my appointment in a couple weeks will be in network. That’s a relief.


Beat ff7 rebirth

Gonna delete my save and do it all over again. I haven’t felt the need to do that with a game in ages lol.

Yeah I know I could play hard mode. Ha. No. I had to put that game on easy for a few end game boss fights. My fault mostly. I was avoiding playing some characters so when the game made me use them, I struggled. I wanna fix that.

That and the early / mid part of the game is just fun. Well the whole game is fun. Theres just something about when you’re low level. Probably gonna try and chill this time. And a whole lotta practice. THEN I’ll go for Hard Mode.


I finally got the plunderstorms mog but it’s not even showing on this character in here. Sad…

It’s been super struggle lol I use to love pvp but some reason it’s causing me tension headaches, anxiety and just has my heart racing… It’s a game I shouldn’t take being killed personally but some reason it makes me mad lol. Think I’m just too old for this now.

Two lvls to go though so almost done then my pally can be pirate captain, rawr!


I sleep late, wake up, and the 13 3k character thread is 404’d. I wonder what I missed :eyes:

lol not sure xD

I had to think about what that was for a moment.

dang it fuzz you were my only hope :sob:

I was laying in bed watching MeatCanyon… sorry!

Well his secondary channel… Papa Meat. Anyway.

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His recent video for the winnie the pooh blood and honey sequel was great


I just watched the smelliest video and that’s gonna be the next one is the blood and honey :stuck_out_tongue:

Apparently it’s furries with world of warcraft coming in a close second… RIP =/

When you’re a part of both fandoms you just can’t win.

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what a name


lol yeah that youtube channel is all kinds of weird / messed up


Not gonna lie I Googled it, lol. :joy: :joy: :joy:


It’s got a surreal vibe from the images I saw, too! Pink Floyd “The Wall” comes to mind from what little I’ve seen


I didn’t recognize the name right off the bat, but then I realized I was subscribed. :laughing:


There’s another channel that is weird (Tho more lighthearted sort of way) is RedPilotSun.

He also makes really great music. Riverdance’s a tune. :blush:

(The link doesn’t go to his channel, just somebody uploading his music)

Somebody link this for me, because Blizzard hates me. :expressionless: