As a member of the LGBTQ+ I will not let people’s opinions of me stop me from being who I am or say how I feel.
My feelings and opinions are valid. If I choose to antiquate the sentiment that being “stunning and brave” is an anti-LGBTQ+ slur, then I reserve the right to do so. I am taking back the phrase for the good of our cause.
You guys should really consider not being so toxic and negative. However, me considering you to be toxic and negative is just my opinion. That’s just how I see it, because nothing I’ve written is inherently negative. I’ve literally written nothing but positive and uplifting statements and it seems to offend you for some reason, or that’s just how it seems. I wish you well!
Actually, if any of this were true, you would have stopped out of consideration for those hearing your words. By selfishly continuing to use the phrase you betray your intent. Or at best your monumental tone deafness in reading the room.
You didn’t hear anything, you read them and mentally, internally, chose to be offended. I cannot help you with that. Being a salty person isn’t stunning or brave. (But that’s just my opinion)
You could help us out by not making anti LGBT statements such as the “stunning and brave” meme and not insulting anyone who has a problem with you making anti-LGBT statements
Actually, if any of this were true, you would have stopped out of consideration for those hearing your words. By selfishly continuing to use the phrase you betray your intent. Or at best your monumental tone deafness in reading the room.
That is a very good point Malgorok. I often wonder what the meta is and I want to put together a tier list ranking the different tactics in a tier list.
Yes, I consider “Embracing the slurs” an F tier as well because it gives anti-LGBT people a feeling of control if they can get you to say the “stunning and brave” meme or worse slurs.
I know people who still use “gay” as a slur in 2021, it doesn’t bother me. Let them live their lives, it doesn’t offend me and tbh it probably does them more harm.
I just find it funny that so many people get offended by words, people often talk about how progressive we are as a society nowadays but it would seem that most people haven’t evolved past the need to feel validated by society and also haven’t been able to realize that words are words and people’s opinions have no bearing on how they should act or feel.
Getting offended by words and statements is really primitive. Also, it isn’t stunning or brave. (but that’s just my opinion)
Intent matters and Funk’s constant spam of the well known anti LGBT “Stunning and brave meme”, insults, and the creepy " smile more" comments has the clear intent of upsetting LGBT people
I am offended because of your intent. Your constant use of the anti-LGBT, “stunning and brave” meme, your insults toward me, and the creepy “smile more” comments all give a very negative impression of you. Other people feel this way as well but are not likely to confront you on the matter because avoiding you is easier as others have recommended
Actually, if any of this were true, you would have stopped out of consideration for those hearing your words. By selfishly continuing to use the phrase you betray your intent. Or at best your monumental tone deafness in reading the room.
The only intent behind my words is to be stunning, brave, and to get people to smile more.
You ultimately have the choice to ignore me. I already told you that I will respect your opinions of me even though they are incorrect and are very inflammatory to my character.
I am a loving supporter of LGBTQ+ and also a gay man myself.
I choose not to be offended by this but instead to be stunning, brave, and smile more.
It would seem that these people are desperate to make an enemy of me… But I wouldn’t know. Its purely speculation. I couldn’t say for sure. I don’t know them. That’s just my opinion.