LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

Actually, if any of this were true, you would have stopped out of consideration for those hearing your words. By selfishly continuing to use the phrase you betray your intent. Or at best your monumental tone deafness in reading the room.



Report the trolling and move on.


This is truly stunning and brave.

We should not let the trolls affect us and continue to uplift each other with positivity and love.

I honestly don’t know if Stunning and Brave are an Anti LGBT+ meme and honestly don’t care . I think all people should be treated as just that people and if it is a insult to the LGBT+ community instead of constantly engaging with the person then just either ignore them or flag them .

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On the topic of intersectionality, I wanted to take a moment to say I support the people marching today.


Hey if any of you unfortunately play LoL as well

Sett and Braun getting Pool Party skins


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At what level do you feel anti-LGBT commenters should be confronted? It seems weak in my opinion just to ignore them and hope they go away on their own

At what point do you think you should stop responding to people you genuinely believe are just trying to get a rise out of you? At what point does it occur to you that he keeps doing that because you keep doing this?

Confronting people just makes things worse as it either gives the troll what they want and confirmation that what they said hurt/bothered someone or you might upset the other person to the point they become irrational and nothing can be done but yell at each other.

Yes there are times that you need to stand up for yourself and confront people but you need to pick your battles.

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That particular one is seemingly just doing it to get a rise.

They’re a problem sure but what point is there in fighting them when what they want is you to fight them
 You’re not going to change their mind.

By engaging them all you are doing is empowering them .

Is their intent only to upset people or do they not want to convince others of their ideas as well?

Read his posts. What ideas do you imagine he is trying to convince anyone of? Does he seem to be trying to convince anyone of anything? Or does he seem to be trying (and succeeding) at getting under your skin?

I have seen some people say in one thread they support a idea and in the next that they believe the idea is total garbage. There are people out there that are just looking to watch others suffer.

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I just saw these and I gotta say

Blizz. More male thirst skins in HOTS please.

Speedo Tychus, El Bandido Imperius, Delta Hanzo - I mean they are all great.

But more. <3

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I wish there was more love for HoTs in general, it is without a doubt one of the most beautiful games Blizzard has ever released. SO much effort into every cosmetic and it all just looks so polished.

Honestly so many games need more male thirst skins.

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Yea but then you’d have to play HoTS

:frowning: I like playing HOTS