LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

I’ll pop on over why not?

When is the pride march ingame being hosted at.

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I’m sure the running of the trolls will happen soon, which benefits the Trevor Project, so keep an eye out for that.

Otherwise, other things will likely happen on different servers and such but I don’t know of any specifics right now.

I was just curious but i wanted to attend just wanna make sure i have time and its not during my new job.

Well there’s only one thing I can say here.


Grats on the new job.

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stunning and brave

LGBTQ+ people are just naturally both those things. :hearts:


aggressive hair flipping.


Wasn’t she in the new wrong turn movie.

You said that in a thread 3 days ago too! I think it’s good that we celebrate stunning and brave people all the time. As you seem to do. :heart:

I’m just really glad that the wow community is so stunning and brave

Running of the trolls makes me think of that competition where people run down a long hill chasing a wheel of cheese

Right? Honestly, a great group of people. Open and proud LGBTQ+ people are what really make this community a community.

That would be amazing. Do we get to eat the cheese at the end???

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Lemme check the actual event

Okay turns out you actually do get to eat the cheese lol. I guess bragging rights are also a thing with it

That is amazing. I love me some cheese…

I was just at the grocery store and got some cheese curds. Ima go eat those.

Get some fries, pour the cheese curds over that, then top off with gravy.

Well I am trying to loser weight but when you put it like that

Found the canadian

( I’m just teasing )

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I also am trying to lose weight. I’m a bit thicc but I’ve been stress eating the whole last week because finals.

Now finals are over and I can play BC Classic and have a good time.