LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

Oh sorry - Saying Goblins based the flamingos on the Striders because as far as we know there are no flamingos in Azeroth.

Like a goblin looked at a weird bird and went “Oh but what if weirder but also somehow sexier and sleeker?”

Sounds like something a goblin would do TBH.

Also. Discord bots are set up. It also has an icon now.

Once again the join link is this in case you missed it:


I made a character on Classic BC. I might make it my forum main since Classic characters don’t have armory profiles so no one will know it’s me.

Zan deadpans straight into the camera like he’s on The Office.


The character is so different from your usual one…Oh geeze!

Also, I am really terrible with discord. I might post later but…speaking? Doing things? Oh geeze

Edit: Oh golly I said Oh geeze twice. lol

There’s no voice channels in the discord. It’s just text channels ATM.

Sorry replace speaking with typing lol

I am terrible at maintaining activity on discord. idk why. It took like 5 years before I let notifications for my guild one to go to my phone…that probably didnt help

Oh god old Blood Elves look so weird compared to how we are now XD

It takes me a long time before I feel okay with talking. Doesn’t help that the headset with a mic I have is a bit dodgy.

I’m very fortunate to have a good head set.

It’s wireless even, so if I have to get up I can just keep talking. My guild leader works for some company, so he sent it to me for free one day haha. My old one was getting super dodge and I was like “I need a new one, I think wireless?” and he said to not buy one yet and it showed up a few days later >.<. He’s a nice guy

I think my issue is the port to plug in a headset. I have to move the cord around sometimes. Still works it just hiccups every now and then.

Meh I don’t speak tech so if it still works I’m not gonna stress about it

Okay something cute happened. Mom knows I prefer to wear baggy clothes because it hides my shape.

I was in my room and she was in hers folding laundry. I get a text but I didn’t read it. Instead getting up and walking to her room. ( Usually when she texts me from her room she wants my help with something and I’m alright with that )

Mom: Hey do you want a big social distortion shirt?
Me: Sure
Mom: playfully throws it at my head
Me: Thanks

She accidentally put it in the dryer so it shrank lol. She’s bigger than me and I’m not saying that to be rude. She’s lost a lot of weight but she’s still fluffy I wanna say


I’m struggling assigning myself a rank on my phone. :unamused::heart:

Oh got it!

I joined it too to support :hugs:

Idk how much I’ll talk though I already talk too much in the discord’s I’m in

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Aww that’s kinda adorable.

We have our moments.

Werewolves. Always coming out under full moons

Werewolf: I’m gay


Speaking of werewolves. It’s kinda neat to see a lot of lgbt end up fans of horror.

I mean think about it.

People that feel like they’re monsters and having to keep secrets from everyone about what they are.

Heck The Fly with Jeff Goldblum TERRIFIES me but for a specific reason. Part of me goes “Dude these practical effects are so freaking good LOOK AT THIS” but the other half kinda knows what becoming a monster from the inside out feels like. Being trans and having to watch your body change with puberty into the wrong type of body is horrifying. So The Fly pokes that squishy sensitive part of my brain that was pretty much traumatized by puberty.

I dunno I just always felt the horror community was pretty welcoming to everyone. One of my fav channels is Dead Meat. That guy is a freaking Ally and a half. He’s so freaking nice to all his fans and isn’t afraid to crack down on some people that might make jokes say if a trans person is killed in a movie. Or how he flat out refuses to review Jeepers Creepers because of the actually creepy creator. ( Can’t go into detail here but EW. So much ew )


I might have flubbed the directions.

No looks like I typed it right.


I’ll pop on over why not?

When is the pride march ingame being hosted at.

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I’m sure the running of the trolls will happen soon, which benefits the Trevor Project, so keep an eye out for that.

Otherwise, other things will likely happen on different servers and such but I don’t know of any specifics right now.