LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

“Okay, that did it. Now I have to watch the movie.”


Indeed it is!

I see the thing you sent me. I’ma read it while going to bed tonight >:) Love me some FairShaw

No idea what you mean

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I made a Discord so novices can quit their quibbling. I don’t expect it to replace this thread or get much use.

It’s not set up well yet but whatever.

Be forewarned, I’ve got the fastest ban finger in the west.


Says I gotta wait 10 minutes to talk but I clicked to join.

Watch people still complain lol

It is cool that you did that but don’t let others try to run you off from the forums.

Those monkeys don’t speak for all of us in the straight community and they don’t speak for all conservatives either.

You all made this thread so you could have a place to discuss your ideas among yourselves and those not of the LGBT+ community that support you and you did it so there wouldn’t be 50 million different spam threads on LGBT+ topics being made by a certain Velf or Orc .

No one last thing for Blizz Really H3tero is a banned word ? WTF


Yeah blizz doesn’t like when we joke back towards straight people

Speaking from experience.


I’m a big boy i can take it

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I never go straight. I go gayly forward.

It wasn’t notifying me when people joined.

I shut off the waiting for now.

Basically when it’s fully set up it will be an entry lobby and 10 minute wait for people to read the rules then set a rank to enter the general space.

The idea is that some trolls may not have a ten minute attention span and will get bored.


humans play the game.

Next you’re going to tell me all lives matter.

do they not?

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I’ve seen all I need to see.


Also I hate that I said I was trying to get sleepy earlier and my brain just refused so I’m here

this little dude is about as close as we get

that was a weird response.
whose life doesn’t matter?

Best to just avoid the “all lives matter” discussion. I get where both of you are going I just don’t wanna see friendly faces fight :frowning:


oh ok, yeah i’m not american, so i didn’t even understand the context.

…what was said, has a very different context in my little corner of the world where all life is respected.

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Your statement that everyone is human is basically poopooing on the way LGBTQIA+ people are treated including how we’re treated on the forums and in this thread.

It doesn’t help your case that you’re blaming us for threads made by trolls.

“All lives matter” is a racist dogwhistle response to Black Lives Matter (which has an implied too at the end).

Both responses are minimizing of minority groups’ struggles as well as being “well duh.”

You see why I’d be done with someone who responds positively to such dogwhistles.


Yeah it’s just something that stings here in the states. To put it lightly. It’s a common “counter” to the BLM movement but it’s pretty much only terrible people saying it. I’d go into detail but eugh it’s just a depressing mess.

But I know you and knew you wouldn’t mean any harm. I was unaware of the not american thing tho. I’m learning all sorts of things about you lately lol