LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

If there was a discord you could have control who was in said discord vs forums where you have no control.


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This isn’t answering the question. Why should this discussion thread be somewhere else? Who is going to be negatively affected by it? Trying to understand where you are coming from. Thanks.


A large portion of what we’re talking about is LGBTQ+ themes in WoW from Fairshaw to Trans Chromie.

not exactly off topic.

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A discord would just attract trolls and I don’t have the energy to moderate such a thing and it wouldn’t replace this thread. I’d just be linking stuff that’s too spicy to go here like the antifa hoedown.

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Wait, was the hoedown cancelled?

Not really hurting more pissing off people. I try to avoid posting content that would attract that kind of people. The saying not all attention is good attention comes to mind.

Anti LGBTQ+ sentiment is heavy in gaming communities, but it shouldn’t be. I spent 28 years hiding in the closet because I didn’t want to upset others, and I’m not going to keep doing it.

Honestly? If people don’t like it they can stay mad.


You post stuff to avoid attracting people like yourself?

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I agree, be yourself but dont expect change fast on this front

You confuse me.

If this is your stance why are you here potentially pissing off lgbtq+ forum goers?

No not my intent. I’m part of a discord that anyone can post anything straight or lgbt related and it’s pretty smooth place people get along.

You seem rather bothered by his simple suggestion. :thinking:

Again, what kind of people? You keep referring to folks who will be upset or need to be protected but I still have no idea of whom you are defending. Since you have placed yourself as their advocate, who are they? Who do you represent? If you are only representing you, why do you continue after making your point?

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If he isn’t representing anti-LGBT bigots I don’t know who else it could be


If both sides of the aisle aren’t fighting than that is some progress and I’ve seen it more these days

Intent or not it seems silly to me to come in here and suggest such.

It’s not your job.

The mods weighed in long ago and kept the thread here and up.

If you’re not interested just move on.

For the most part we’re left here to vibe in peace outside of the occasional jerk who comes in to complain about us existing.


Indeed, that wonderful difference between a respectful clash of opinion and a collision of egos and prejudices.

Can I come here and complain about other things existing?

Like adds in YouTube while you are watching music videos. You just don’t cut in the middle of a song