LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

They will complain no matter what. It’s nice that we have this thread to hangout in.

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Still a pity we had to just because Tulnn would make bait threads pretending to be all lgbt


Those did get really old. But its honestly really nice to see so many nice posts

It is a bit of almost “accidental kindness” I wanna call it.

It’s like how this one dude saw a trans pin I had on and said “You’ll never be a real woman” because they thought I was a trans woman. ( so many folks still aren’t aware of trans men ) So I just went “Aww thank you!”


I’m mtf and my last partner was ftm. So many nasty comments made. And “aww, thank you” seems to be the best option.

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My last partner was genderfluid. We broke up but it wasn’t bad or anything. We loved each other we just weren’t IN love anymore if that makes sense. So we’re still really close friends.


Looks like they are back on the front page too. :confused: Oy


Im sorry to hear this. Honestly, the people making nasty comments to you are scum, and yeah I will fight them about it lol


Today was my final. I took it and had some problems but overall I feel fine.

I only need like 30% to pass the class. Soooooo. I’m probably okay. If I get a 70% ish I get a high B.


I am certain you did great! When do you think you’ll find out the score?

Also, I know I probably missed this elsewhere but what was the final for?

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I don’t know. I probably didn’t do as well as I think I did but the professor might throw me a bone because I went to office hours a lot.

Final was for computer architecture/x86 assembly programming class.

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I understand these words individually lol


I have a degree in Computer Science and I too only understood those words individually. :stuck_out_tongue:

It is a “low” level programming language that directly addresses the machine language for us geezers before all them highfalutin’ compilers built into “high” level languages came about. If one is developing drivers or hardware level hacking tools this is a good thing to know.

hello folks are we hyped out of our minds yet? it’s tbc pre patch day after all

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:eyes: Same.

To contrast I’m presenting a refurbished brutalist structure was part of boston’s reconstructionist era, with my takes on how to change the site plan and the urban integration.

We’re all doin cool stuffs. <3 :3


I’m doing type type on the computer and grading adults on their work with customers. lol

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said no one ever.

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Give me Modernism or Art Deco anytime.

Brutalism was a, thankfully, brief and pragmatic response to rebuilding bombed out areas. Personally, the old world and new world pyramids did it better. Thankfully, it gave way to Mid Century Modern and has been largely forgotten.
