LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

I have no idea. Glad that thread got locked.

The OP was turned up to 11 and looking awful.

As an aside I now have a certain singer stuck in my head. This guy.


Na there wasn’t one

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I thought so.

I couldn’t find anything about it even on wowpedia that has a very comprehensive list of LGBT related stuff listed per expansion, that other person must have mistaken some other character for trans or was just making things up.

Thanks guys!

I think it’s one of those cases where an NPC was given the wrong voice lines.

Most common on the newer death knights but you see it from time to time on other npcs.

I can’t find anything otherwise.

Looking for a WoW BF. Power verse here.

Yeah sometimes they hiccup and give female voices to male npcs etc etc. Saw that happen in Cata a few times. Even recently some of the brokers had the wrong voice. ( Heck General Kaal is still misgendered and called a he if you pick up a quest from a broker to go do that dungeon )


There isn’t one that I am aware of. They might have gotten it confused with the lesbian one from one of the Steamy Romance Novels? I think there was some mention there.

I am in work and endless meetings but I just wanted to say:

Screw that kind of guy. Hate them. lol


I just wanna elaborate. I’m not trying to be all “Omg Im SOOOOOOOO an empath you guys”. Man a certain youtuber ruined that for everybody with his nonsense like that.


After doing researching with my dad over the last seven years I believe that part of my creativity comes from my Bipolar. We have found many famous authors who have had Bipolar like Poe and Hemiway. It is hard to explain but still I understand this.

Mental illness isn’t all negative, but trying to find the positive sides is a very, very hard thing.


The positive stuff I didn’t notice til other people pointed it out. Sometimes it takes an outside source

This is Xerris. I am finally updating my characters for TBC and deleted Xerris (She is going to be a Draneni for TBC). I am getting on today and trying to get the guild leadership to this toon. Anyways this is going to be my forum toon from now on.

It is all a bit maddening.

I’m being DMed on reddit by a racist transphobe because oh a thread about Chromie on the HOTS reddit and like
Blizz community come get your garbage please.


“Blizz is this yo man?”

I’m fine with Chromie being a male dragon that identifies as a female. It fits perfectly with the name and having interacted with the character over the years it doesn’t change the fact that I like the character . This just gives a little added depth to her.


Vans released a pride collection, some really nice things!

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I have some shoes from another year Love them TBH. Great for around the family lol

My teen loves the checkerboard vans has been wearing them for ever
I love the slide ons

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Sometimes I do wish I had some more supportive parents considering I still have to live with them.

I would like some pride apparel like some rainbow leggings I found a while ago but I know if I buy them I will have a very annoying and awkward conversation where having those leggings is putting a target on my back.

I like them because they look very cool but at the same time I just know it will cause issues at home.


Someone is being like super duper hella mega uber caustic whenever someone points out the transphobia in the Chromie thread.

“iT’s NoT tRaNsPhObIa PeOpLe JuSt CaRe AbOuT lOrE sToP hArAsSiNg PeOpLe.”

Sure Jan.