LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

No, thats what you have

People were talking about lgtbq+ stuff in wow before you threw a tantrum over something not being directly catered to you


Honestly, I kinda love how they implied it’s a dragon culture thing where they get to choose their forms and stuff?

People always pointed to the HOTS quote about the name as confirmation that there’s just NO POSSIBLE WAY that it could be true -

But what she says is “We just don’t understand Dragon culture” like - It all kinda retroactively fits? You love to see it.

Anyway, I guess my point is Anduin is Bi.

Ok but why do you put such precious thoughts in my head??? I love it.

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I mean it makes sense given that Wrathion apparently chose to update his form as he got older lol

It’s a gift and a curse xp. I think of goofy scenarios with my characters all the time


No double standard here.

Tons of topics that don’t relate to WoW make it on here daily. Some are kept up. Some aren’t.

This one was judged to be on topic in the end.

Which it is. its mostly been about LGBTQ+ in regards to wow.

My good sir and or madam, you needn’t be here. Its not up to you to police anything.

OMG yes!

Blizzard please!

I really wouldn’t mind that.

Lol I’m on a server which it’s not prevelant I don’t see it at all lol. In fact I’ve been on a lot of servers it’s not prevelant

Server choice doesn’t affect the story

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But it does say that people are not asking for it

No one you know apparently.

Doesn’t mean people aren’t asking for it.

Server choice is not a voting system for the lore told in the game/books

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It does speak for the playerbase. Bliz will do what they think the majority will be happy with

So what you’re saying is they think the majority of the player base wants more LGBTQ+ stories?

I have no idea what hes trying to ramble on about anymore

I highly doubt that. The majority like stories that are seperate from real life issues and stories and escape. I play games to escape real life

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He appears to think that his limited view of LGBTQ+ desires is correct and widespread despite evidence to the contrary.

Ah, mad lgtbq+ stuff exists

Got it


With modern day stuff there’s no avoiding it at least trade chat is still trade chat and it’s great it hasn’t changed

Coulda just said yes and saved some time

So, according to you - Blizzard does things that the majority player base wants - One of the things they have been adding revently a lot more LGBTQ+ characters and stories to the lore. (FairShaw, Pelagos, Thiernax and Qadarin, Chromie, Varden to name a few)


It is something that no one wants and is not prevalent?

Which is it? It can’t be both.

Lol no outside this thread nobody is talking about it nor does people in most servers. It’s a minority asking to change the core game story or elements. I only chose pelegos because he’s bis for tanking. He did seem kinda off

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