LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

I heard I could get free rainbows, confetti and glitter by commenting on this thread. Is this true?




I’m just picturing Chromie going into dragon mode and Pelagos practically does the starry pupil thing some cartoons do

2:45 in case the time stamp feature doesn’t work. I swear sometimes it does. Sometimes it don’t.

( Man I’m still bummed Steven Universe sucked eventually. So many neat ideas wasted )


Equality requires all elements to be equal. If one of the element’s value has been degraded via prejudice and active suppression, then that element needs to be boosted. Even Blizz has recognized that and is talking about enhancing some specs rather than nerfing others. (See, we’re about WoW.)

In short, threads like these give folks a chance to build themselves up, reinforce others, allow straight people a chance to voice support and encouragement so that the equality you speak of can happen. Just as important, equality does not mean same as X = Y = Z; it could also be either 5 = 5 = 5 or 5 = (3+2) = (2.5 x 2).


This is like the one time I will support math in some fashion lol


Easy, we advertise who we are because representation matters :slight_smile:

So you want this thread to be WoW related. When literally less than 24 hours ago a topic of discussion was about an event that is being held inside of the game, in Azeroth, in 2 major cities Silvermoon and Stormrage!

A Pride March showcasing solidarity and acceptance within World of Warcraft.

Doing an event in World of Warcraft, with World of Warcraft players in some major cities. Seems pretty WoW related to me.

In case anyone missed it:

It’s not an in game event or anything but at least it’s something in support or LGBTQ+ sponsored from Blizzard :slight_smile:


If so, I am owed quite a lot.

Side note: I found out there is an item you can pick pocket from Venthyr mobs that is like
a glitter face cream? it adds sparkles to your face and now I kinda wanna farm it haha

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This thread is still going? Why not make a discord and go there lol

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Weird no one says this for the other off topic thread in General Discussion.


Why are other off topic threads deleted and not this ? Wouldn’t the off topic rule apply for everything equally

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This is general discussion

We’ve been talking about WoW related things.

Excepting those of you who pop in here to complain. Or point out a short duration where we veered off like most other threads have.

This thread isn’t off topic. Its wow related, and LGBTQ+ related. There is no conflict here.

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Loosely wow related. You can sell
The idea all you want

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Well, you can enjoy being mad over its existence all you want

Odd you say this one is a problem but I don’t see you posting in actual troll threads saying theyre a problem

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Because it only spawns 2 sides of people for the argument. A thread like this should exist but in the off topic board or random board like 4chan /b people interested in that kind of stuff stick to those places

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but it’s WoW related until you come in and start mouthing off lol


The mods have already weighed in. They restored the post.

Clearly they do not see it as an issue. It is in the right place.

If you do see it as an issue, you should mute the thread so it no longer bothers you.

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Oh I love that so much :hugs:

Lol so double standard