LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

Kinda creepy how you’re thinking about children

Cuz hes dead

Cuz religions are made up, being gay isn’t

Your points were trash, so are you


You just crossed the line and now you are reported. Remember to keep it civil and don’t call people “trash”.

Sealioning, fresh and interesting. :yawning_face:


It seems the one thing the two of you share in common is that you “don’t need that other kind 'round here”.

Calls them as I sees em

Someone comes in here talking about children and sex, I think thats a safe report cuz I don’t really tolerate predators


I said “teenage”. That means 18 and 19. Youre are the one thinking of little children.

“The Teens start at 13, not 18.”


Teenage is 13-19, most of those are kids

A rational person would have said an adult, but you wanted to talk about teenagers and sex acts they get into

So yea, no thanks predator



Its almost like we don’t wanna argue about our existence 24/7. Shocker.

Why must there be straight people?


Better question: Why people?


Anywho I’ve been practicing in Sunbreak against Gore Magala. Least I can make all of their weapons after all this. They’re dope as heck design wise.


Bruh, when I seen they were in the game I was basically like (Gotta use the no link so you can go to the right time stamp, just a joke reaction)

I legit never expected them to be back, but I was very happy to see Gore in HD beauty

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I still get smacked around by him but eh that’s just bow life lol. No carting just might have to put in another evade extender or maybe a window one because sometimes I dodgebolt his little tackles but I guess they’re a multihit so even if I trigger the dodge at the right time, something still smacks me


I hunted him and the other versions of him sooo many times in 4, heck he was one of my preferred hunts for expedition farming

I think I used one health potion the entire fight when I finally got to him in sunbreak, all that muscle memory of all his moves just washed over me

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Yeah still a baby 5th fleet myself but dangit I’m trying lol

Shagaru tho is pain. He was my first “i am no longer having fun” wall lol

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Im looking forward to seeing them again as well

Malzeno was surprisingly hard, I dunno what it was about them but I just kept failing at reading the moves

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Actually it is or it wouldn’t be here.

After reading your unneeded posts in this thread, I find this really hard to believe.

Same reason as with any other type of person, equality and equal representation and as someone claiming to be gay which I am seriously doubting you really shouldn’t be taking such an issue with equality or equal representation to the level that you are.


Malzeno I can at least sometimes have a cool moment where I use the aerial aim move as he’s doing the strike his tail thru the ground stabby stab move

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I was just yelling at the npc the whole time

“Look, the parts are glowing red, that must mean something” again and again

It’s like yea I got it, in just busy getting my rear handed to me to do anything about that atm

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