LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

Why the last 2 episodes gotta be sad

I wish I could be friends with bebbe stolas. Teach me about frogs and toads sweet owl boy.

I knew there was more to him because waaaaaaaaaaaay back when the instagram posts were more a thing. He stands up against Valentino and offers help to Angel Dust.

Also I admit I got a bit “I TOLD YA’LL” to folks that just NOW realized Stella was a vile person. I caught that in old instagram posts and episode TWO.

I made a post on tumblr about it so I’ll just copy / paste it

"I feel like the people that actually dealt with the more subtle forms of abuse picked up on Stella right away. I sure did. Stuff like how she didn’t go to comfort Octavia when she was crying. Her looking away in the painting of them at Loo Loo Land. Her throwing things and Imps around showing that she does not care at all about collateral damage. Because she knows theres other people to clean up the mess. She likely never had to deal with a consequence for her actions and that type of environment is a breeding ground for eventual abuse. Because it tends to ramp up.

Some folks just think abuse has to be painfully obvious for it to be abuse. And I’m not saying that to shame the people that think that. They likely never had to deal with that and I’m not wishing for them to deal with it. "

“I don’t read the Books. Personally I do NOT consider them canon.”

I’m still just bitter that the 8.2 PTR had datamined lines implying Thalyssra was WLW and they cut that and then put her in a straight relationship.


Interesting you only want replies that support your position and summarily “ban” all positions that disagree with you or poke flaws in your reasoning. Very interesting.

What I find more interesting is that you are demanding a fantasy, FICTIONAL GAME to adopt story lines that coincide with your real life sexual preferences and desires.

Can I just play my game in peace without references to which body parts some teenage boy in San Francisco prefers inside himself? Don’t you think that is
well, private?

At any rate it has no place inside the World of Azeroth, a fictional world, where for all you know every single person is straight and there is absolutely no reason to conclude otherwise. Why MUST there be “gay” people inside a FICTIONAL game? Doesn’t this also break the “fourth wall” of story telling by writing real people in fake stories?

If we were to do this why don’t we also demand that every Sunday we can all gather in the Stormwind Cathedral to hear Arch Bishop Bendictus give us a Biblical sermon? Why not? There are FAR more Christians in this world than there are gays. Why don’t Christians get representation in game? Thinking this over, I think this is an amazing idea! We should also have “missionaries” on every corner in Azeroth giving away pamphlets with bible verses on them to all players as they pass by. Because, why not?

I trust I have made my point. This thread is not necessary. And oh, by the way
 I am gay. Have a nice day.


Wow. You literally whine about gays not be included and treated badly and I tell you I am gay and you attack me. Even if I weren’t gay
which I am
aren’t I supposed to be able to identify as whatever I want? Are you trying to tell me I can’t be gay?

You sir just set the gay movement back 50 years. Congratulations.

Who knew that I alone held such power? Imagine what I could do if I put my mind to it.



How about address my points in the post. Can you?

Why would I do that? You came here to troll so.


“Most of us come to this thread, to gather in peace, talk about the game, things we would like to see, and create stories we would enjoy.”

“You clearly came to start a fight. Had you come in peace, we would have greeted you peacefully.”


I didn’t come to start a fight. I was very clear and coherent and none of my language was aggressive or insulting. You just don’t like that I dismantled your entire justification in one thread. I wasn’t aggressive or trolling or fighting. I was proving you wrong and you just can’t have that.

With that much power, I demand that you put Subway’s sweet onion sauce back on the market. It was my favorite.


“How can you dismantle it, when you don’t even really understand the reason for it?”


You already dismissed yourself by saying, “Have a nice day” so why don’t you go have one?


Your argument boiled down to ‘its a fictional world and thus everyone is probably straight.’ which isnt worth addressing, but its also demonstrably untrue due to the fact that love is in the air lets you flirt with guards of any gender, so going solely by in game evidence, the vast majority of Azerothians are bisexual. :person_shrugging:


I’m gay and I thought this was where the gays hang out. I guess I’m not the right kind of gay. Got it.

You’ve said this thread is not necessary so really, there’s no reason for you to be here :woman_shrugging:t2:


“Did you come in peace, to talk with us and have fun, or did you just come to try and dismantle our happy spot?”