LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

Try knocking Malzeno over in the gooey sap swamp area if you need some extra damage. The sap makes monsters stay toppled over longer and those thorny toads latch onto them for you to hit them and do extra damage

Altho with the toads I think you need to break up some of the leftover tree stumps or whatever that debris is

grabs popcorn and takes a seat

So what did i miss?

:fox_face: :popcorn:


ā€œJust a passing storm. Nothing to write home about.ā€


Umm so anyways, back to the topic of Sylvanas and Nathanos. I recall reading in the book that Sylvanas had feelings for him, but she lost her capacity for feeling love. She could only remember her love for him and memories of what he meant to her and itā€™s kinda bittersweet if you think about it.


ā€œI donā€™t read the books, but I do like that concept.ā€

Yeah Iā€™m glad I read it. Golden does a really nice job at painting a picture and I loved the part where she explored Sylvanasā€™ childhood, her relationship with her siblings, and her relationship with Silvermoon. I didnā€™t like the parts afterwards where the Jailer got involved lol

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Hi there and welcome to the thread. You seem tense.


One of these days Iā€™m gonno need to open up a Panda Massage and Spa shop in Stormwind


I am currently weighing the odds of a panda massage being either A) jumping on my spine in a comically violent yet bouncy fashion or B) an actual panda instead of a pandaren



I feel like a lot of the nuance around her character is lost because of how she was portrayed in bfa.

I always thought of it as an allegory or case study behind what happens to someoneā€™s being when they wake up one morning with the power to destroy the universe. When you have this high and pie in the sky idea for how you can make a better universe, with a better world where nothing is bad anymore.

Her conversation with saurfang regarding the Arathi incident had a much deeper meaning.

Saurfang simply stated that no one should have that power. Sylvanas disagreed.

being a person who has their own issues and trauma to work out in life, I was rooting for Sylvanas to find a way. But one of the life lessons that she had to realize was that it doesnā€™t have to be that way. you could remake reality, but it starts internally. With you, learning how to find happiness in life again, cherishing the people you love, remembering the people who passed, and always going forward. with hope.

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ā€œThey retconned her History, and shattered her story. They ruined her, and for that I will NEVER forgive them. NEVER!!!ā€

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So much of this. And something that really annoyed me throughout her story is how she simply just assumed the people who used to love her had the worst intentions for her. She didnā€™t give them space and time to figure out how to adjust to things and built walls around herself until the Jailer could use that to manipulate her.

It just hits a personal spot for me cause I feel all too often in life, people end friendships and relationships because they assume the worst instead of talking things out :confused:

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im not disagreeing in principal. I think something really ugly happened when the writing team was transitioning between Voldemort and Danny Sir and friends. Sylvanas just happened to be at the epicenter of that conundrum.

She did deserve better in my opinion. But, the books I have found do help to fill in the gaps, and with the added context Iā€™m at least able to appreciate the story in a way i was unable to before.

when all is said and done, I really much would like to see the night elves return home as well.

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ā€œI donā€™t read the books, so what they say means nothing to me. I hate that they expect us to read the books to know the story. I HATE the books, and wish they would stop making us have to read the books.ā€

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Tbh I share the same sentiment, but I ended up giving it a shot since I was travelling for a bit and went book shopping and nothing else really intrigued me. The cover was nice too. I donā€™t regret it, but Iā€™m not sure if Iā€™ll check out the other books.

It wasnā€™t just the Jailer. It was everyone she surrounded herself with. Especially Putris.

The way the book described his demeanor made me almost sick to my stomach. He represents the worst aspects of being Forsaken.

He represents the sickness of it all. That rot, misery, and decay are a gift to be worshiped. His brain is too far gone for him to think clearly, sometimes I wonder if he is even sentient, or if the necromancy is like a virus using his body as a puppet.

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ā€œI use to devour books. Now reading gives me migraines.ā€

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ā€œI didnā€™t need the books to learn what cesspool scum he is. I learned that from the quests. I have hated him from the beginning.ā€

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Especially if you consider the alternative world where the Horde and Alliance were successful at wrath-gate. Cata couldā€™ve still happened and caused conflict, but we wouldnā€™t have Garrosh at the helm, and youā€™d have a lot more people thinking with more nuance cause they just had a positive experience working with the other faction.

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heā€™s a bad guy for sure. Itā€™s just unsettling to imagine an individual with actual worms feasting on their brain, and to be so backwards as to try to keep them there so that he can remain sick.

In zombie lore, the walking dead kind of had this viral infection where the virus takes over the body. from my interpretation, itā€™s kind of like that, only slightly worse. He would keep you alive, but full of worms. because to him, it is better to be a vessel for trauma and skirt the line between being actually dead versus being almost actually dead.

Whereas a character like Lillian or even Sylvanas would do everything in their power to retain their humanity so to speak, so they can stay vain and healthy if they are able.

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