LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

That’s probably why they did Sylvanas x Nathanos. “Well, both of her sisters got with human dudes, might as well complete the set. :crazy_face:

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Ooof. Dragons.


Right? It made me laugh and also roll my eyes so hard I saw the back of my own head haha.

Also is everyone excited for the Dracthyr? I am, but it’s tempered with the fact that are only one class.

I really want a Dracthyr death knight. O_O


No. On the forums.

I deeply dislike them.

I think it’s a dumb couple and a total travesty for one of my favorite characters.

Gee, your species is almost extinct and every single major member of your species is dating/married out of species. Let’s marry out of species.

Number of prominent thalassian elves who are married to another thalassian elf: 0.

It’s giga cringe.

There are two.


I feel personally it’s a nice representation of the unity between both Nightborne and Blood Elf.

Also perhaps it’s just the thalassian way hehe, just never marry your own kind…ever. :wink:

For the record tho who do you think Lor’themar could have hooked up with?

I don’t.

Another Blood Elf.


Just caught up on the Shaw and Flynn lore and oh…oh my heart. :sparkling_heart:

I’m working my way thru the quests on Ardenweald so I hope to encounter the other couple soon. ( I admit I spend way to much time in Revendreth tho, hehe I love my vampires!)

Oh I just remembered! There is a male venthyr couple you can rescue in Torghast!

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Aw andynn are written with pretty much the exact same chemistry as I’ve been writing Zan and his husband as having since forever.


Out of curiosity, why? I can understand them not being someone’s cup of tea. Deeply disliking something goes further than disagreeing with what they have to say and how they say it.

I’m definitely looking forward to them. The amount of customization that you can do is pretty incredible. I’m even interested in the new class.

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I hope when Anduin comes back he’s like 6’8’’ and just shredded

Have him be the only NPC with body hair as well, some gritty stubble as well

Also he’s now voiced by Jon St. John in a Duke Nukem style


Wait I just noticed this. Why do a lot of the races that you would think have body hair don’t or it’s very light? o_O

Obviously the fuzzy races don’t count.

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Deeply dislike is an understatement. Hate is a more apt description.

The dude’s voice grates on my very last nerve.

He’s wrong about pretty much everything, giga alliance skewed.

They’re also H.E.F.A. people (I hate all H.E.F.A. supporters) spreading H.E.F.A. propoganda which has extensively harmed my favorite race in game.

I’d rather watch asmongold.

Yeah I lost a lot of respect for Taliesin after he went for Asmongold’s throat back in 2019

I don’t like asmongold at all but if I had to choose, I’d choose asmongold.

What’s that? el.f for alliance.

Bear Anduin?!

I’m alll in heck yea!!! :heart_eyes_cat:

Ooooh got you.

I thought there was a customization for void elves for that or something? o_O do people want it as a allied race or something?

Oh. The mods don’t work on weekends. You would think a multi million dollar company could hire people to mod from home lol