LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

Dragonflight Spoiler Warning

So, who wants to bet the people who scream “We don’t need real world relationships shoved in our face” to try to mask their homophobia aren’t going to bat an eye at the fact they married off Lor’themar and Thalyssra off screen and mention it in-game?


Seems like a good bet. I agree that those people probably actually don’t like having to think about homosexual relationships as if they’re repulsed. It’s so aggravating



I know T&E get flack on the forums, but I do really like their reviews. Their energy can be infectious. :smiley:


Can I just say tho that Lor’themar and Thalyssra getting married really makes me smile. Lor’themar is one of my fave characters, and it’s nice to see him marry and awesome powerful lady like Thalyssra.

Now…if only we could get a cannon gay couple in the game, that would be really nice, and long overdue.

Way way long overdue.

Blizzard :pouting_cat:

There’s Shaw and Flynn, and those two souls in Ardenweald (sorry, I don’t remember their names offhand).


Well true but I mean…Perhaps a major lore character?

I want Anduin and Wrathion but I know that wont happen, ever. :crying_cat_face:


Shaw is a pretty big character. He’s been in the lore since classic. Do you mean a character that’s more directly involved with current events?


I used to hope for that for Sylvanas, since her attraction was never shown (as far as I know). But then she was suddenly in a relationship with Nathanos. Made me sad tbh.

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Ok I’ sorry. :frowning:

I’ve been away for a little bit and wasn’t all caught up on the news.

I’m sorry ok? I didn’t mean any harm.

You have nothing to be sorry for XD

Not sure what you mean. If someone used what you thought were the proper pronouns, why do you have a problem with them?

Also, how would you know the gender issues of someone in the game?

Guess I haven’t had enough tea just yet.

Bit of an old gay here, I’m slow to catch on to things sometimes.
Like I completely forgot about Shaw and Flynn and didn’t wanna upset someone.

People forget things sometimes, I think it’s okay

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I don’t think they get along very well. Wouldn’t work even if they were both gay.

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Oh, I didn’t mean you made me sad. I meant Sylvanas suddenly being in a relationship with Nathanos made me sad at the time, and that was years ago.

Sorry if my wording was unclear.

Might be good for a little love/hate dynamic relationship. That would be kinda fun to have as a side story and give the relationship a bit of complexity.

Ahhh but to dream…


I’d like to see that relationship grow some more. Heal a bit.

I do think it’s cute though some in that Fandom seem to take it a bit far in some ways imo.

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Ever find it funny that all three Windrunner sisters married/ fell in love with a human male? I mean it’s like a triple fantasy trope and no one on the writing team even seemed to notice.

Well they might not have due to 2 of those male humans being writer self inserts, hah!