LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

Yeah I see her being like Fagdal whatshisname the cranky pre Druid from the early days in darnassus, sometimes we’d cheer on the horde when they would go after him too :rofl: :rofl:


Fandral Staghelm.


bingo -that’s it

needed for some quests, but definitely not my fav npc in those days :slight_smile:

Good Morning too wave

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It’s too early. I went to sleep on accident and just woke up. Finishing up some chores I meant to do before bed then returning to sleep land.

Morning though!

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I can’t forget about how George Carlin said the man wants people that are stupid and gullible and obedient workers, not critical thinkers.

That’s part of why I question everything, and don’t gobble down nonsense conspiracy theories, and read peer reviewed sourced material from other critical thinkers (book equivalents), and such.


I still watch the clips of him on youtube

He was so on target with so many things


yeah was hoping to sleep more too - a little furball decided I needed to see the sunrise thought I guess :rofl:


The more unique you make something, the less normal it’ll seem.

“In my opinion, Normal is a Myth. A created concept, used to keep the people in line. It doesn’t really exist.”


a rather dull concept too

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“I couldn’t agree more.”

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time to burn some bacon :slight_smile:

Have a good morning folks

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“Have fun, and give Mom a hug from me too.”

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“As for my opinion, on the created concept of normal…”

/wicked giggle

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Have an awesome weekend!!!


Yesterday a trans exclusionist was an accidental ally and used the proper pronouns. As usual, Blizzard failed to do anything about their antitrans bile.


Hope they like egg on their face haha. That’s terrible though! What did they say?

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i’m a bit of an egg enthusiast myself. i suggest a souffle. separate the egg whites from the egg yokes and whisk them until you get stiff peaks, then lightly fold them together in a fry pan with onion, garlic and pepper.

and hot sauce.
lots of hot sauce.

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Its surprising how often that ends up happening. lol

It is sadly not surprising that this keep happening. :frowning:


I’ve been having fun putting all the elitists on forever ignore for saying we need to “git gud” if we want the slime cat mount. Fun stuff.

Do you mean in-game? Sadly, it takes multiple people to report someone’s language for anything to happen. Otherwise GMs would probably be seeing thousands of reports a day. I do understand the frustration and annoyance though.