LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

Thinking about running that whole “We’re rebuilding Undercity” quest chain on one of my horde - i did it on an alliance, but thinking my elder blue elf should run it

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“Go for it.”

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Hoping Brill gets rebuilt too - I liked that spooky little town


“I miss Brill.”
/sad eyes

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Need to get this blue elfy better geared too

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I’m not even a forsaken main and I love Brill’s vibe and aesthetic so much. Same goes with Auberdine. Idk why Blizz takes out their most aesthetic towns lol


“I wish they would stop that too.”


This is surfgirl’s horde




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Greetings Sister


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she has my standard bare feet :slight_smile:

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“Nice Ear Armor.”

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“I can’t switch Toons.”
/sad eyes

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hates when that happens

Horde side pvp is sooooo different than alliance - so refreshing

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Yeah if I got to talk with the alliance occupation chicky to start the undercity quest - gonna have to take my fustrations out in BG :rofl:

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“Yep, she is there, unfortunately.”

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I made a meme.

Basically it’s a picture of George Carlin and the brooding teen from the mom’s minivan demotivational meme.

And the meme shows George Carlin and says, “how you see yourself when posting hate” because hate is easier to write than listing all the types of gross on the forums. Then it shows the edgy broody teen and says, “how everyone else sees you when you post hate.”

I seriously think these self-proclaimed, “libertarians” fancy themselves as Carlins while gobbling up the very nonsense he warned us about in his rants. They don’t understand the nuance.


Miss George Carlin he rocked :smiley:

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“He is a legend. Always will be.”

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