LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

yeh. I figured it was just alpha being alpha lol

I just hope people aren’t mad if Horde get gnolls and alliance get Tuscar. My worgen playing friend is already grouch about this. >_>

Tuskarr don’t seem to pick favs out of either faction. Since both sides can help them

Would be interesting if they threw us for a loop and tuscarr were a neutral playable race and alliance got something else. I just feel Tuscarr and Gnolls are the biggest candidates for new allied race.

I thought furbolg were gonna be contenders but after I saw their updated models I don’t think so.

I’m not sure gnolls are like. Intelligent enough to be a playable race.

Just put them on the kaja’mite diet.

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I made a mockup of how they’d look in Shaman boosted gear. Gloves have to get pretty big to fit on those hands lol.


Meanwhile I’m over here fantasizing about playable faeries.

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They look cool. But if they don’t have moving eye sockets or animated expressions I don’t think they fit the bill.

Knolls and Tuscarr have a suspicious amount of detail now.

OH I want this too.

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As in Vulpera obviously going to be playable level, or not quite that much?

I wouldn’t say we’re quite there yet but there’s some strange things to consider:

-Remodeling a beast-like race that didn’t have armor compatability to be based on a worgen skeleton which does have armor compatability
-Lots of new colors (including unnatural colors like a blue mane)
-Highly detailed face animations with eyes designed to be changed in the model

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All I’m gunna say

I’ll be shouting Victory for Agamaggan in a heartbeat

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All the gnoll colors are from current in game (or at least in the files) colors.

What are you talking about I’m right here

( Okay bad joke but I’m allowed to joke about myself dangit )

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So do I play you like a piano or a viola?

You actually made me smack my leg and laugh with that

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lol I double checked and I didn’t post this ealier.

Oh, I forgot one-- Gnoll children were added. Also not super usual for npc races.

Just popping in to say I hope everyone is doing okay and having a good day.