LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

But what if the genes didnt study!

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My brain can’t compute this atm

If a worgen can be gay and he sniffs someones backside, would that be considered sampling the goods?



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(Inception horn followed by tense hans zimmer music)


Lmao, do my first ever online hunt in mhr, and get paired with a cheater lol

Just 1 shots it

I didn’t get the drop I needed, so at least my victory was not tainted

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Yeah there’s some folks that have big cheesy builds. If you see folks with Qurios flying around them, that’s the “do big damage as your health drains” one. ( it takes your health to 1 but you can still use healing potions, fish, etc etc )

I tend to use a build that has a similar mechanic but once you do enough damage you get the health back and get a buff

Well the Worgen already has better standards than certain guys on a certain app


I feel called out


They totally didn’t.


Watching gameplay of that Stray game. It gets to a part where the cat gets a harness put on it and I thought “Well thats kinda immersion breaking for the cat to just be fine with thi- Oh nevermind the cat flopped over onto his side. Immersion preserved.”


My kitty wears a harness :stuck_out_tongue:

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Those are rare. Most kitties do the flop lol

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True at first they flop. XD aftet a bit, they get used to it

Rats go thru something similar. And yes. Its adorable.

Altho one of my male rats got reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaally anxious with some attempts to harness train them. So I stopped trying. Not gonna force it on the little fella if they were getting that worked up.

Meanwhile ages ago this girl rat I had was fine with the harness and would have it on while I was carrying them around in one of those little carts you can carry around petsmart. It was her birthday so whatever toy she seemed interested in I got her one. Within reason of course. Oh she figured out where the yogurt treats were in a heartbeat so she was snacking on some in the cart.

Rats only get like 2 to 4 birthdays so I like having them be special.


I need to get mine harnesses. I didn’t feel comfortable letting them go out without them. I don’t want them to bolt in front of a car or something dumb like that.

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I also had a bearded dragon that was fine with a little harness. The only time he was cranky with it on was when he was at the vet and it was a teensy bit too cold for his liking. So of course he puffed up all “no talk me i angy” which was my cue to take him outside to warm up in the sun

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Got two more friends interested in playing. \o/ They’re really excited about dragonflight.
One of them really hope gnolls become playable but I told him if it happens it’s probably gonna be 2 or so patches in.


Least the gnolls now look extra cute.

I do hope they give Hogger something special like armor tho. Cuz his new form looks weird when Heroes of the Storm had a fun look for him.

I’m assuming Hogger’s model is just an early version or a placeholder. He’s not even the right color, so that’s suspicious to me.