LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

I vow to have a bad day


Well I just bought my thing for the month. I am a straving artist so I have to be carful on what I buy.

But I got the game Stray. Won’t play it until tomorrow as it is 2:30 a.m. and I am about to go to bed. But I can’t wait to play as a kitty tomorrow.


So tonight a high speed chase spanning several counties ended in my sleepy townhouse complex. There was a police standoff for four hours with county sherrifs and city police from several cities, highway patrol. We saw canine units with best doggos. An officer fired off a rifle at the dirt behind us then locked and loaded and I decided to stop chattering with the neighbors.

People have been unable to get to their homes and only those who need to get home for a medication has been escorted home.

The perpetrator was just apprehended it maybe several more hours before the scene is clear.


Holy cow. Thats insane.


This game is already adorable. This with Jackson Galaxy is just triple cuteness.

Seriously this guys videos are great if you wanna learn about pet cats.

His vids came in handy when I temporarily took care of a cat from a friend to test my allergy. ( long story ) The cat was nervous at first because duh. Cue me flopping onto the ground and doing the “slow blink” aka how cats show trust.

I swear its like a “oh you’re my new best friend” switch went off and the cat was a total cuddle bug afterwards. They were a tortie so they were a little bonkers but they were friendly. This friend soon passed away but the friends mom took the cat in so I’m glad she still has a loving human family


You made a great choice!
Stray is Game of the Year quality and just
so heartwarming and cozy. It really hit me in the feelings and it takes a lot for a game to do that.

It’s a masterpiece of a game. <3

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Good lord, that’s crazy! Glad you’re safe. When I read that it ended in your townhouse complex I initially thought they had crashed into your home. :scream: Years ago a police chase ended near my place and they closed off the road because the suspects ran into a wooded area nearby. Couldn’t go home for several hours as a result. Hope everything is settled by now and everyone can get home.

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Wait, why would they do that?

Was it intentional, or a “negligent discharge”?

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Some of them are the “rules for thee but not for me” type

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No idea. It was probably to try and scare some of the bystanders away. Everyone was out there socializing.

I mean I found a neighbor in need of a math tutor for her kid.

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You mentioned police dogs so I felt like sharing.

Imagine getting to retire early for being too sweet.

Gah I hate the way links to Youtube Shorts looks. Ah well


Wow that’s scary. Hope you and your friends and family are OK.

I do have a question though about terminology that I’ve heard before. I notice that you referred to “county sheriffs” plural. I’ve heard people on NBC’s “Date line” saying things like "we called for a sheriff to come out and investigate.

Now my understanding is that each country only has one sheriff who in turn has a lot of deputies. Those deputies can have different ranks like deputy sergeant, deputy Lieutenant and so forth.

So is that right or do counties actually have multiple sheriffs?

Shouldn’t you already know that?

That video reminded me of the German Shepherd that wasn’t cut out for law enforcement duty in Australia. The good news is he went to live with the Governor. I like how the two dogs are named after items used in law enforcement. Badge and Gavel. :smiley:

Counties, as far as I know, only have one sheriff and they are usually elected officials which means they don’t have to be a law enforcement officer. When someone says they called the sheriff they are probably treating it like saying they called the police.

There is no way a police officer should intentionally discharge their weapon in the direction of a group of bystanders in ANY situation. If they wanted you to leave they should have verbally told you to.

Since you say you observed them messing with their weapon afterwards, I would (hopefully) go with a negligent discharge. Either way it was incompetence of the highest degree. That officer should seriously revisit their weapon handling training.

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What happened to skinwalker did he get banned?

Was arrested for smuggling 18 kilos of drugs across county borders

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Sounds about right

Who knows and who cares. I’m just glad we are getting a break from troll threads since the recent outrage. At least until the vacations end in 1-2 weeks.

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Annnnd you had to jinx it.