LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

I have to have light of some kind. Sunlight will put me right to sleep.

A good sunny day will put me to sleep quick lol

Wow thatā€™s me and my mom to the letter lol. But weā€™re mostly nocturnal.

My pain problem keeps me from sleeping too long so my schedule is a little out of whack. Its nerve pain and after too many hours of laying down to sleep its just kicks my tummy ā€œOI. WAKE UPā€

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Aah got you. Dad is like that and sometimes his nerves cause him to wake up. He has bone spurs, arthritis, all kinds of stuff. He sleeps for about 6 hours then is ready to go again next day. Around 11 to 5 am is his schedule lol

Ooooof I heard bone spurs are NASTY.

I do kinda miss how Iā€™d just sleep like a rock in my teens.

Buuuut well. Grandma kinda ruined that for me and Iā€™d rather not share too many details. But its also why I hate sudden loud noises like a door slamming.

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o_o I understand you donā€™t have to. I get the rough idea. YIKES!

My thing is almost any noise wakes me up. But sleeping upstairs has been working out because most noises I donā€™t hear.

See I never lived in a place that had other floors so I have no idea what that is like but that must be lovely lol

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It is and being upstairs I can look out the window and spy on the neighbors lol

anyway. heres some cute

I dunno why Iā€™m on a cockatiel video kick. Its the little pikachu face I think lol


I canā€™t watch that atm but the thumb nail is of a cute birb so close enough hehe

Oh right right I keep forgetting youā€™re elsewhere XD

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hehe xD all g

Yeah I browse the forums / discord / reddit while working to help pass time.

You and me both. :grin:

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I left some NSFW stuff from Reddit up by accident on the other monitor the other day and it was like WOOPS cause I have to share screens with work. Luckily no one noticed lol

I use a little Fire tablet so I can hide it under the counter quickly. :grin:

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ā€œI know that feeling. I have Bone Spurs, from the top of my spine, all the way to the tip of my tailbone. Itā€™s from a shattered vertebra.ā€

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His was from laying block / construction and just tearing up his body with doing that.

Well, also getting smashed by a motorcycle, falling off a 2 story roof, getting pinned under a car, and getting into fights probably didnā€™t help either.

Idk how heā€™s still kicking tbh.

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ā€œSounds like MY back. Itā€™s taken a beating too.ā€


The human body is almost horrifyingly resilient in some cases


Today I went to the psychiatrist office for lab work.

I asked if my therapist was in and if she had a moment if she could come say hello. See, I do video visits. Turns out, her 9am patient had to leave early for another appointment so she was able to come say hello. I got two hugs and got to talk. It was good.

I am getting a gene test done to see if some meds might help more than others.


Oh thatā€™s just the stuff that could affect bones that I can think of.

Heā€™s gotten blood poisoning which lead to lock jaw from skinning a dear that had an arrow in it that he didnā€™t see and his hand got nicked. It was on the other side and fell on it so a person wouldnā€™t see it unless they reached their hand inside. He was using a rifle and it was where someone else missed with a bow.

Thereā€™s all kinds of things. He blew his eyebrows off trying to fix a carburetor and almost caught himself on fire.

Thatā€™s good that you got to talk to her and give her hugs.

Hopefully the gene test helps!