LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

Eat rocks and sleep. Its just so cute how he digs a little into the ground to snooze so its just like his head popping out of the ground

Also speaking of the citadel map from earlier. I feel freaking robbed that there’s no Great Boggi

They’re just cute hyena raptors that look like if you put their brains into planes it would fly backwards they’re so dumb XD

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I am happy. I just found out about a new hunting game. I really like the genra and this one looks good (Unlike the Hunting Simulatar games.)

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Always remember to check your armor in MH lol

Kinda neglected it for a while, so fighting MR Goss Harag and uh yea nearly 1 shot me with every attack

Then realized I have like 100 armor less than what I can easily get and like -10 ice resist lol


I found a very painful bug last night in TheHunter: Call of the Wild. I found a Rosevoert Elk that could have been a dimond score (In the game dimonds are the best but they are exttermly rare. Think Time Lost Proto Drake rare.) It was across the river drinking. I line up my shot and shot him in the right area so I don’t lose points.

When I finnaly get over to the right side of the river the elk had slipped into the middle of the river where I can’t get to. (You can’t swim in this game.) I even had my dog track to make sure. He stopped at the shore line and just stood there telling me to go into an area I couldn’t.

Ugh that hurt.


Have a cute metal song on this boiling monday afternoon

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Anytime I make something I MIGHT need for a build I max upgrade it just out of habit

I love in monster hunter you can have “uh yeah i totally meant to do that” awesome moments. Like setting up a bomb juuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuust where the final boss of sunbreak happens to have their head fall on it for max damage. I just made a guess as it was falling XD

It was the secret Palico fireworks move you unlock a little bit into Sunbreak. If you haven’t used it yet. It has a small timer so that’s why I was surprised it worked lol

Still glad the puppers got a bump in use compared to Rise. I still just like the palicos for utility but those doggos are nuts dude. They’re DPS. Dogs Perpetually Shooting.

Edit: Oh I forgot to mention. Check out the buddy scout for both palicos and palamutes. There’s new skills and I didn’t know this until I beat the game lol. You don’t have to use them or anything. Just level them up in the dojo and the game will give you something to help with skills later.


Im super stingy with my armor spheres cuz they used to be more of a chore in older games, so upgrading everything would leave you poor later on when upping end gear

Ill have hundreds and still not use them lmao

Its long cast time caught me off originally, but uh, pretty big AoE and good damage

Now this one, Im not sure what you’re referencing

Oh I just have a lot of them because I played Rise A LOT lol

With the right skills they can be little dps machines. And a lot of the time they do well with range. So that with the silk binding gun they have. They’re just always shooting

Edit: Here this is from reddit and no spoilers , we good

Behavior is set to follow.

For Skills: Ranged-Centric, Ranged Attack Up, Attack Up (L), Attack Up (S), Piercing Attack Up. If you’re using an element weapon then swap Piercing Attack for Element Attack Up. If you want more status then swap off Piercing Attack Up and Attack Up Small. Personally I don’t think that Status Attack Up is worth it on dogs, only DAMAG.

Ranged-Centric is a no brainer, we want our dogs to GUN, not SMACK.

Same with Ranged Attack up, this is a whopping 25% raw boost to ranged attacks.

Attack up S and L are 10 and 20 flat raw respectively. It’s worth noting that Crit Up L (averages to 5% raw) is better than Pierce Attack Up and Attack Up L if your dog’s ranged attack stat is over 500, and Crit Up S is better than Attack up S at 480 ranged attack. This is only possible currently on the Ibushi weapon, so for that it’s mathematically more optimal to use Crit Up S instead of Attack Up S with Ibushi.

Piercing Attack Up is 5% raw and guns pierce.

Element Attack Up is 25% for element, quite large considering gundog is using a piercing weapon with an element value of 1 per tick.

Oooo, I didnt even look at that silk bind equipment for them

I assumed it was just gunna be another mediocre thing, didn’t realize it turned them into artillery

I am now interested

If you use 2 dogs for a hunt they can do up to 20 / 40 percent damage of the overall hunt. Its bonkers lol.

The silk bind gun also does damage associated with whatever weapon you give them.

Again from this reddit post

" An odd little fact I discovered about gundog that I’m not exactly sure where else to put: Silkbinder inherits the damage type of the dog’s equipped weapon. If it’s got a slicing weapon, it uses slicing hitzones with the ability to sever the tail. If it’s got a blunt weapon, is uses blunt hitzones without stun damage. This is probably because the attack has no stun value associated with it."

Again tho a good chunk of this might include spoilers so I’m just sharing bits of info without just chucking everything at you.

Damage doggos are good but there’s also just something fun with a fighter palico looking so gosh dang adorable and being a little murder machine.

It’s always kinda funny when some pet build becomes crazy strong cuz the devs like never intend it to be that powerful lol

Its like MH generations when the prowlers mode was easily the strongest thing in the game, and also the cheapest to upgrade cuz palico gearing is so cheap

So they had to nerf the hell outa it for Generations X lol

Bummer cuz that mode sounded fun from what folks said about it.

Yeah MH fans are kinda quick to try and find meta.

Eh itll still get the job done, I think its my 3rd highest use weapon in MHGX

It just wont beat every other weapon in speed runs by a mile anymore lol

The novelty of being a cat is worth it

Hope everyone is having a wonderful day!

I found out today that not everyone can hear lights.


I didn’t know that was a thing til I googled it. That’s pretty cool! =)

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TVs, lights, small appliances.

I just thought that was normal. Like everyone heard it and just ignored it like I do.


also use a sleep weapon for the buddies the new one has been buffed

I would write down what all the sounds sounded like. That sounds pretty awesome!

Been friends with some autistic folks that had like. Ridiculously sensitive ears. I ain’t saying that as a insult to them.

Friend: Ugh sorry I’m in a bad mood
Me: Fridge being too loud again?

It taught me stuff like that. ( I’m still not sure if I’m somewhere on the spectrum myself ) I can’t sleep for example unless theres the hum of AC and fans. Well that and I like being snuggled under blankets but having the fan keeping me from being too hot.