LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

Oh yea, he hits like a truck the whole time, and was surprisingly fast for a bigger fella

and can I just say, oh buddy the fight music for that zone is b-e-a-utiful

That whole zone is lovely.

And yeah Garangolm is good monke

( Okay I know he’s gorilla shaped but he still has a tail. So monke )

I’m honestly just glad we have another ape-like monster, besides rajang, thats actually dangerous

Cuz uh, no offence to Congalala and Blangonga but yall are kinda jokes

Those were the fart monsters yeah?

I just remember a trailer for a cg monster hunter movie and seeing one of those pink gorillas tackle a deviljho of all things.

Also guess Kelbis are still keeping up that “being seen eaten alive whole” trend from Khezu to this.


Like I know Jho tends to eat things alive to save time but still gives me the heebie jeebies.

if they could fixed the skeleton system for these types of monsters
Lao-Shan Lung and others
we might see some at the end of sunbreak

That clip made him seem waaaay stronger than he is in game lmao

He’s pretty much a joke, even the special versions of him

That fella needs a fight re-work like Fatalis got in world

Gogmazios is the fella I want to come back cuz he appeared so late in 4 a surprising amount of people never got to fight him, when hes such a weird but great monster

Or really any water fight from 3

might see him in tu3 or 2
going by the rare and special species monsters

It does remind me of how sometimes the little baby hermitaur crabs scuttle up to bigger monsters I’m fighting so they can jab at it lol.

I do feel bad for the water monsters because it seems their contact points with the ground cause issues in recent games. So the extra snakey monsters can’t work properly.

I do kinda wish we got more returning herbivore monsters. Late game could use more chunky herbivore monsters that aren’t just Diablos. Like Banbaro. Lately we’re just seeing a whole lotta carnivores and it just seems weird to me.

Difficult choice? Now that’s just nonsense. Clearly the only option is to download the mod that makes the blades killable and deliver them all to Sithis.

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might see a return

Oo that would be fun.

Also it would be great for one channel I watch because one of the guys in the “Pro and Noob” series LOVES that monster.

Im a sucker for the big boi monsters, so I’d be happy to see him again

Ragegaming, I’ve watched a fair bit of their stuff too


Man I should replay World. I miss my boy

I knew about Monster Hunter from nerd osmosis but THIS lad is what got me curious about the series around the time before Rise was out

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It’s actually nuts how insanely popular Dodogama became like the moment he was shown

One of the weaker intro monsters, and hes more popular than some of the big fights lol

SHOES :boot: :mans_shoe: :athletic_shoe:

The power of the chonk lol

And just the fact he doesn’t really mind your presence

I am playing thehunter: call of the wild for the first time since the last update. They cleared all my need zones.

I spent over a year working on that and getting my map set up. I think I lost some tents as well.

Edit: I found my tents. They are safe.

Plus you just look at his face, theres not a single thought going on in that head

He’s just a simple boy who wants to eat rocks

Oh no

Oh, less oh no