LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

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Well looks like I’m gunna have to reinstall a fallout game again

i am playing 4 with mods
3 might be buggy still

Legit never beat 4

Just kinda, ignored the entire mainstory and did everything else instead

As is tradition with most Bethesda games

same do as much side quest get op items weapons and go through the main game

More like get OP from side quests and new gear after playing the game for 40 hours and then be like “Eh I’ll take a break and finish th story later” and then never do the story

i know the felling
same on skyrim lol

I couldn’t even try to tell you what skyrims main story is

Theres a dragon, and then you kill a dragon at a tower later on, then you see guys with grey beards, and well thats about as far as I get in every playthrough

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Bruh that’s where I always stop too. I’ve never finished the main story. I just go marry the hot guy and become a vampire every time.

i go the werewolf route but kind of wish we got with serana
but thanks to mods lol

I just found out what grudge traps do in the old pokemon explores games. They are not like Rescue Team DX. Oh how I wish they were.

In Rescue Team DX a grudge trap summons 1-4 pokemon and if you or anyone on the team you brought into the dungeon attacks them for two turns you lose all your PP on that ability.

In Explores of Sky it will affect your team but the grudge will stay up permentatly. And it will affect all current pokemon ON THE FLOOR! It is a nightmare trap that if you don’t have the right items for it you are in for a world of hurt.

Theres two main stories if you don’t bother with the dlcs

The Civil War and the Alduin storyline.

Oh yea guess there is 2 stories

The dragon, and the teach the elf lover a lesson story

To be fair almost all of the empire doesn’t like the Thalmor either. They just want to get the war over with so that the Thalmor don’t benefit from the loss of Empire soldiers.

And that is why we must purge them from the lands, for our Argonian pride

played argonian and was on the empires side because the stormcloaks are racist

Well this is awkward.

To be fair I also murdered the emperor

Well I mean both sides are pretty racist tbh

Hell most of elderscrolls races are pretty racist

At least Argonians got so hyped up on tree juice that daedre abandoned invading the black marsh

lol yeah that did make me giggle a bit finding that out post Oblivion

Its honestly the best part of oblivion lore (imo)

These huge armies with top of the line equipment barely holding on, meanwhile some swamp dwellers are doing so well the Daedra have to close the gates to stop them from being invaded

Being able to travel through tree roots comes in handy lol