LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

So the boss I fought was indeed carmilla and I just finished lords of shadow

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Iā€™m receiving so much LGBTQ+ hate on wow lately. My RP3 profile says Iā€™m a queer girl and that alone has caused me to receive death threats and many people have called me a man. The toxicity against women, gays, trans, from the wow community is a serious issue. I think Blizzard should show that they do stand with us and put some pride stuff into the actual game itself. Give us more skimpy mogs too. (for men and women). Let people dress how they want.

Actually, Iā€™m asking Blizzard right now (if anyone is reading) to please give us more protections and representation. The game is almost unplayable as a woman, gay, or trans person. The well has been poisoned and I think Blizz need to clean their community out and actually iron out some values because right now the sentiment on trade/lfg is anti women, anti gay, anti trans. Fix this Blizzard. Your community is attacking its women, gays, and trans players. Endlessly.
The social contract might stop people from saying ā€œthe f wordā€ but that doesnā€™t stop the discrimination. Players think weā€™re trying to shove LGBTQ+ down their throats. Weā€™re actually just trying to exist without being discriminated against.


ā€œYou are fairly safe in here. They may occasionally post in here, but this thread gets cleaned up on a regular basis. Welcome to our Sanctuary.ā€


My guess is they see your guild name and it sets off the aggression center of their brain like one of those sleeper agents in the spy films.

Jokes aside though, youā€™re right about there being a moderation issue. Blizzard likes to portray this as a game that kids can play. Kids! I would not feel comfortable exposing any of my kids to the kind of chat Iā€™ve seen. Itā€™s poisonous enough for adults to be around that much hate, let alone kids.

Yā€™know, Iā€™ve found that companies respond best to pressure over social media. I have no idea if anything we post here even reaches Blizzard or if it just gets glanced over by the mods once or twice before being forgotten. If you really wanted to put the pressure on, my advice would be to start recording when these things are going down and send the video evidence to Blizzard right over Twitter accompanied by some no doubt uncomfortable questions about the behavior they allow on their platform. Keep it civil and take the high road of course. You donā€™t want to get yourself banned based on anything you said to them in response.

Also hello fellow Moonguardian.

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I donā€™t doubt this stuff happens, however, I have been largely left alone in game as a trans person. It might be that I worked very hard to make a queer inclusive guild. Once your group gets off the ground successfully you can reduce your play/social circles to a smaller more supportive group.

Report every single one of them.
Donā€™t respond. Donā€™t argue. Donā€™t clap back.
Screenshot. Ignore. Report. In that order. Screenshots for posterity. Ignore to perma block. Report to let Blizzard know.

They will get actioned. Especially if they tell you to self harm.


Actually Iā€™m working on a Bachelor of Science in Software Engineering and a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Studio Art with a focus in New Mediaā€”3d modeling, animation, 2d art, web and UI/UX design.

Iā€™m planning on a masterā€™s degree but I havenā€™t decided yet if itā€™s software engineering or some behavioral study like sociology, psychology, social psychology, etc. Iā€™m looking at getting an intersectional doctorate.

As for going to war with Russia, Iā€™m too old. You and your rightist gun loving friends will have to go instead.

Now, tell us about your education.


Dang it Cyndi you jinxed it.

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You donā€™t want the US to fight Russia directly. It would escalate into a nuclear war with over 10 thousand warheads and bombs going off before it was over.

That would cause lethal radioactive fall-out everywhere on the planet and it would kick up enough dust into the atmosphere to create a nuclear winter that could last two or three years.

That, by the way, is the only reason you donā€™t see the US 1st Infantry Division ā€œThe Big Red Oneā€, and other US forces driving the Russians out of Ukraine.

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ā€œI didnā€™t say they NEVER show up. I said they rarely show up, and if they get too naughty, the Mods will take out the Garbage.ā€


I know but you mentioned them and they showed up XD haha

Itā€™s like, ā€œman I hope the racoons donā€™t get in the garbageā€ and they havenā€™t been there for MONTHS. What happens that night? Racoons in garbage lol xD



XD looks about right. The little varmints get ahold of your stuff lol


It is indeed well known that simply being queer is a full time job which stops you from ever acquiring a PhD, good point.


ā€œI went one step better. I got a Husband instead.ā€


I am willing to bet that the people who are gay have a lot more PhDs than the people who hate the gays.


Wait I didnā€™t know I should be paid for this.


I should really consider getting into the discord one of these days

Gods I always have to resist making jokes whenever I see that

try 25 years of winter

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Patrolling the mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter

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