LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

Trying to fight one specific elder dragon in Sunbreak. I had to group up to fight him and now I’m trying to practice solo.

I hate that my brain got so addicted to the “gotta do max damage, rush rush rush” of Rise. I’m trying to remind myself that if I’m struggling, to tweak my gear to be a little more defensive.

It’s a hard habit to break after a year of “rush rush rush do max possible damage every hit go go go”

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I’m trying to fight the vampire boss in lords of shadow. I have a feeling it’s Carmilla

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the secret is to make a group yourself for a raid without AOTC and demand everyone else to have AOTC. Then watch the shocked Pikachu’s when they see you get the achievement.


So is this thread for queer people only? We doing orientation checks before commenting is allowed?

Allies are fine too


Morning! Waiting for WoW to come up! Am coming out a bit later in life. Later in life lesbian I guess. Just wanted to say hello to all.


Better late than never I suppose

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I agree :slight_smile:

God I love watching mods work at times

Just watching like 10 seperate posts get deleted, then the whole thread gets locked and delisted cuz they knew it was a lost cause


Eugh now I really need a break from bow in sunbreak. Time to play more Hunting Horn before I go insane.

If I ever need a Shagaru Mantle again I’m gonna cry

build the 5 part of any the serpent ibushi and the mother and get the good luck skill
its 50/50 but you do get mantles from it or full five part from the same set

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Not really vibing with those sets but eh. I’ll jot it down on my maybe list

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When we can add beards to our female characters, then I will take this topic seriously. My wife has a mustache, why can’t she be represented.

You’d think fem dwarves with beards would be a thing in WoW. Seen it in other games and thought it was fun

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I’m in the same boat. The switch from straight to bi was easy enough, happened fairly soon after I even started to think about dating. But then I got stuck in a rut of compulsory bisexuality for a long time. And by that I mean I struggled with guilt related to feelings that I had to give men a chance. That combined with a traditional failure to recognize my lack of attraction as abnormal while mistaking feelings of close friendship for love kept me dating men for most of my life.


Is it bad on the Wrath beta I was hoping someone would die in my dungeon group so I could try raise ally and turn a group member into a zombie?


Naw, just means you’re a proper deathknight :smiley:


I’ve always felt very iffy on female dwarves having beards, tbh. A lot of the time it just feels like a gross joke on the fact that female dwarves arent typically the perfect feminine supermodel ideal so we might as well slap beards on them because they’re basically men. Thats just me though.


Eh I see where you’re coming from

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I keep people saying that they should stop being inclusive with the game.

I’m tempted to play corrupt a wish and say to stop including cishet people.