LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

I get called out on goodreads for misspellings for my stuff. :sob:

Does this thread cap out at 10k posts?

“No, it caps at 20k Posts. Just like all the other threads.”

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20k, like Cyndilou said. The scroll bar does get glitchy when there’s over 10k posts though.

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ah, 10k was the number in my head. Though I wonder why 10 or 20, must be a forum limitation thing.


I’m pretty sure they used to cap at 10k, though I don’t remember when that was.

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“Before this format, it was 20 Pages. I can’t recall how many posts they had, per page, though.”

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So this thread is middle aged then. :upside_down_face:



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Did they cap at 10k in the early days of this format, or am I just crazy?

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I think they capped at a thousand originally.

Folks on the realm forums on my server used to make a game of flooding drama threads with offtopic nonsense in attempt to beat the mods to shutting down threads.


“If I remember right, it was 200 posts per page and 20 pages, so around 4000 per thread. I could be wrong though.”

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Welp, I’m off on vacation! Time to fly.


Enjoy and may The Go Go’s see you off. :blush:

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Oh my gosh, 20K? Looks like we have work to do.

Some of you might have seen me around here and there, I recently decided to come back to the WoW forums. I wanted to just say as someone who is Bi myself, growing up going through the trials and tribulations that so many others before me went through, I always felt like I had it easier.
My family loves me, my friends are supportive and my church accepts me. That being said, seeing how the WoW community has treated trans people, particularly in recent times is absolutely rock bottom in terms of human decency. Not that I would expect the player base to be all that accepting, it has a LONG history of toxic attitudes which I am sure I don’t even need to tell you about.

The bottom line is don’t let them get to you, ever. Misery loves company and right now there’s a lot of misery in the world. WoW and games in general should be an escape from that and that includes acceptance for all LGBTQ+ people. This new Dev team and the direction they are taking is super positive, but they have A LOT of work to do and were going to have to be patient. The new Devs are building upon the ashes of some pretty horrible work environments that allowed WoW to get to the state it is now.

I wanted to wait for the weekend to be over for obvious reasons to come here and say:
Hang in there, it gets better and you are loved.


“We are not in a hurry. Another will come when this one caps.”


Feeling aggravated

I hope hope hope I have better luck finding daggers soon
because this is the story of my life atm

from Imgflip Meme Generator

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