LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

I just met you
And this is crazy

I never name called you
But call me maybe?

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I was called “stupid”. That’s not name calling?

deleting my response because I don’t want to engage nor escalate a pedantic topic.

Here’s a video about bunny rabbits


I write for a living and I have had this discission with a few other people. Spelling tends to be important depending on what you are doing. Like with business and historcial papers, spelling mistakes are sins.

But in forum chats and creative fields. Ehhhh. There are much, much bigger things to worry about then spelling and grammar. My stories and novels I am more concerned with how my stories come together, if characters are weak or not, stuff like that which will more turn off my readers.

It is just due to more people are going to get upset if I forgot to fix a plot hole then if I missed an area where I put the wrong version of your in a part of my story.

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Oh I’m not here to super correct them. But I think it screams volumes when people are claiming they’re educated on subjects but continue to make consistent mistakes. And it tends to be people with bad takes too.

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I try my best to avoid that stuff. I had a day where I was looking at that non stop on TBC fourms and I came close to hurting myself because it made me so upset.

And feed me instead. Thank you.


gives fur a cookie


So I’ve been trying to decide how to set up my Horde alts (I want one of everything) and I’ve been looking at my Tauren druid for a suspiciously long time

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Pick your dish. I am not giving you a cookie as I don’t give my wonderland cookies without concent.


Oh? Can never go wrong leveling as a kitty


Carful, once you fall down the rabbit hole of an alt o holic you will never climb back out lol. Speaking as one myself.

Hi my name is Alice and I am an alt o holic.


Man some people really are triggered I didn’t address their trolling.


People have been giga triggered on the forums for days.


Lol same

this toon was originally just an alt to get lockboxes with - then Bliz decided to do some bad stuff with droods one patch - and here I am :smiley:

got a veggie plate in there :slight_smile:

It does feel a bit more insane than usual

On a plus side, birdboat is coming right along.


oo yes that is nice.

Good detailing on the wings

The normal maps are being funky so the lighting is uneven in places. I need to cut it apart and set the normals again.

It would also look better but the bird is 1500 triangles which is very low for the whole bird, especially because it is massive. Like ten meters. The edge wall is 1 meter.

The fanny things on the side of the upper floor are going to have peacock feather patterns carved into the wood.

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