LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

…Now I want ice cream. But I can’t because I have to travel tomorrow and that makes it a very bad time to gamble with lactose intolerance.

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(Lady Cyndi Lou plays with the Juke Box some more…)


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Imagine your at a baseball game trying to explain the game to someone who had no idea how it’s played. Imagine the batter swung and missed and you said “that’s a strike”.

Now imagine the guy you are explaining it to laughed and said “That’s not a strike, he didn’t strike anything, he missed”. What do you say? Not only are you talking to someone who doesn’t know what they are talking about, he doesn’t know he doesn’t know what he’s talking about. That’s you.

Notice that you never once addressed my point about the difference between moderation and arbitration. You can’t. You just don’t know enough about what you are talking about to understand the difference between moderation and arbitration.

“I’d rather imagine I am in a room full of my friends, jamming on some good music.”


I’m not addressing this cause I think you are stupid. And your clearly mad that someone not taking you seriously anymore.

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I mean they are clearly triggered they are more like feeding me entertainment now they are writing essays

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Unironically vanilla ice cream is my favorite flavor.

Nothing to do with WoW whatsoever. I love the sweet milky taste of vanilla ice cream nothing more.

Strawberry, chocolate, etc. are nice too but I could live without.


Vanilla is the best flavor, you’re just spittin facts


“I love French Vanilla best.”


Embrace the Chocolate


Ah crap I forgot about the ice cream, I was gunna have a root beer float

But instead Im just having beer

And there we go. You won’t discuss the difference between moderation and arbitration and you have just judged all the bar associations across the country as stupid, since it’s their definition I’m using.

That’s it, you’ve addressed no points and now comes the final sign of defeat as you drop down to simple name calling.

Thanks for playing

That’s cool still don’t care.


Have an entire “album” including a music video

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Yeah, you change the words I wrote. I guess when name calling didn’t work that’s all you have left.

Now what do you see as the difference between mediation and arbitration?

SMH. So many people can’t use the correct your/you’re.


Never police the grammar on the forums, you will end up driven mad in a matter of moments, Zan tried that once and it was lol.

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I’m a teacher. I can’t help it. :sob:


Awww, comfort hugs. :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: